Tereza Stockelova
Tereza Stöckelová is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and an associate professor at the Department of Sociocultural Anthropology, Charles University. Her work is situated in-between sociology, social anthropology and science and technology studies (STS), and draws upon actor network theory and related material semiotic methodologies. She investigated academic practices in the context of current policy changes, science and society relations, environmental controversies, and the interfaces between biomedical and alternative therapeutic practices. Her current research is concerned with microbiological citizenship and it maps out how embodied subjectivities, biosocialities, and state governance are being (re)configured in relation to microbial and fungal agents. Since 2020 she is a member of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, an advisory body and forum of reflection set up by UNESCO. She regularly contribute the cultural magazine A2. Website: https://www.soc.cas.cz/en/lide/tereza-stockelova
Public Anthropology
The list of regular commentaries in A2, which includes primarily topics of publish health, political ecology, climate change, microbiopolitics, and food production, available at https://www.advojka.cz/search?q=St%C3%B6ckelov%C3%A1
Currently, TS is preparing as a guest editor a thematic issue of the revue Academix (https://www.academixrevue.cz) concerned with “Biosocial metabolism”
- Artistic Collaborations
Since 2018, Stöckelová has been a member of transit.cz, which is a Czech member of a CEE network of initiatives in contemporary art that organizes, among other things, the Biennale Matter of Art (2020, 2022). Website: https://cz.tranzit.org/en/calendar
Sterec, P., T. Stöckelová. 2016. Družstva života / Vital syndicates. Praha: tranzit.cz. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfdvd5ADd8M&feature=youtu.be
Stöckelová was the main organizer of the seminar exploring human-microbial relations / Co/sense and re/create: joint inquiry into gardening microbiomes and migrating holobionts” (Prague, May 2023)
The workshop brought together social scientists and artists with an interest in social and artistic inquiry into human-microbe coexistence to experiment with creative ways of re/presenting microbial life in textual and audiovisual formats. The concept of the workshop stemmed from our reflection on the situations we found ourselves when exploring the human-microbial relationships: often, we are at loss for words, means of description, and we come to a point where we sense the notions of ‘the human’ and ‘the microbe’ come to their limits. The seminar and its structure of ‘co/sensions’ and ‘re/creations’ aimed to lead its participants and actors both human and nonhuman into working and experimenting with different ways of ‘being sensate’, i.e. being aware of being affected.
Contributions to books:
Stöckelová, T. 2018. Earthy Art. Pp. 140-142 in Season Five An Assortment of Contributions on Themes of Land, Art, and Commons, edited by J. Pryde and E. Jeřábková. Berlin: Akademie der Künste Berlin.
Stöckelová, T. 2021. “Life According to ZOE: The Promises and Limits of Studying More-Than-Human Uniqueness”. Pp. 16-33 in H. Janečková, Z. Jakalová (eds.): Multilogues on the Now 4: On Glands, Membranes and Cavities. Praha: Display.
- Experimental Ethnography
Virtová, T., T. Stöckelová, H. Krásná. 2018. On the track of c/overt research: Lessons from taking ethnographic ethics to the extreme. Qualitative Inquiry 24(7): 453-463. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800417732090