Rare Book Scanning
The greatest of care is taken when it comes to the scanning, digitisation and digital preservation of older, more delicate and hard to find books. These books can also be scanned to PDF as well as editable formats such as MS Word. We place the requirements around the condition of the books and the speed in which we process them can be reduced to make absolutely sure that the books remain in the same condition that they came to us in.
Of course, we treat all the books we scan with the greatest of respect but we understand that there will always be a few cases that need special attention. We use only our most experienced scanners to complete this work and they will always wear gloves to protect the pages and print of your books, which is all part of our rare book scanning service.
We use state of the art, specialised, overhead liner book scanners to scan and capture bound, rare, historical, out of prints and fragile books, magazines and journals. The books are carefully scanned and the images captured. We can scan either in colour, black and white or greyscale as necessary (depending on the nature of the books, contents, e.g. pictures, text, illustrations, drawings etc). Once scanned, the images are then processed and converted to the required image formats such as PDF, Text Searchable PDF, ASCII Text, Ms Word, XML, HTML and even Excel for directories. They are then supplied on a required storage medium such as CD or USB.
We deal with hundreds of rare and one-off books per year and have been trusted with books from right back in the 16th century up to the present day. You can be assured that we will treat your books with the greatest of respect throughout the book scanning process.