The Centre for Public Health in Queen's University Belfast consists of an exciting group of multidisciplinary researchers with interests in Epidemiology, Cancer, Mental Health, Nutrition, Global Health, Nephrology, Ageing and much more.
Some of our colleagues are associated with the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry, Administrative Data Research UK, the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation and the Institute for Global Food Security.
Our research takes place on the Royal Victoria Hospital and the Belfast City Hospital sites.
Our research interests are focused on health and common chronic disease, with the aim of generating scientific knowledge that can be translated into improvements in the health of our population, patient care and public policy. The education of future clinical and scientific research leaders is also a core objective.
There are four research groups incorporated within the Centre for Public Health:
- Public Health Nutrition Research Group
- Cancer Epidemiology Research Group
- Epidemiology and Public Health Research Group
- Health Services and Global Health Research Group
Our research objectives can be summarised to:
- Advance the health of the public at a regional, national and international level, by increasing knowledge and influencing clinical and public health practice and policy.
Underpinned by
- Capacity building in public health research in terms of critical mass, interdisciplinary working, methodological development and key research infrastructures such as longitudinal studies and data linkage.
- Embedded partnerships with communities, practitioners, policymakers and the public, to ensure knowledge co-creation and dissemination.
- Increased knowledge leading to improved health through the prevention and treatment of disease.
- Engagement with policy makers to inform policy development and debate, disseminate health information and increase awareness of health needs.
- The provision of excellent Education in public health to researchers, practitioners, policy makers and leaders.