Health Services & Global Health
The increasing burden of chronic conditions has been described as one of the greatest global challenges facing health systems and health services in the 21st century. The Health Services & Global Health Research Group focuses on improving health services and care for people with chronic conditions by conducting investigations of issues and problems such as need and demand for services, service organisation and delivery, health care quality and efficiency and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health service interventions. We have several key interdisciplinary research strands which focus on the global challenges of addressing chronic health care. The HSRG comprises also an international strand of Global Health and Health Care Research (led by our Global Health Champion, Professor Nathan Congdon – see below). Key interdisciplinary strands of research include:
- Chronic health care research and policy – with an emphasis on services for older people, people who are living with cancer and people with mental health problems
- Methodological studies regarding how to enhance the rigour of all our health services studies, randomised controlled trials and Cochrane reviews
- Health economics and policy - (similar to the Methodological Studies strand) is an integral part of most studies undertaken by the HSRG, particularly in terms of economic appraisal
- Oral health care research focusing on gerodontology, head and neck cancer and nutrition
- Ophthalmology and eye health care research includes ways of meeting the increasing demand for clinical services and investigating the reconfiguration of locus of treatment delivery
- Global health and health care research include the international Global Centre for Translational Research for Equitable Eye care (TREE) and studies of cancer care, diabetes and other NCDs in lower and middle income countries.
The main funders of our research grants include: NIHR, EU FP7, Marie Curie, NI PHA R&D, MRC, ESRC, RoI Health Research Board and the international Newton Fund.
There are easily-travelled pathways between the HSRG and the other research groups in CPH and other research centres in the QUB School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Many researchers in CPH work across research groups and research centres to conduct collaborative public health and health services research with the HSRG and care professional colleagues in health services, here and internationally.
We have a thriving postdoctoral research community including clinical research fellows and up to 25 PhD students at any one time. Prospective PhD students should scan the web pages of HSRG staff and email their enquiry to the relevant HSRG academic or email the HSRG Lead ( Also, we welcome enquiries from care professionals and health managers working in local and international health systems and health services.
Professor Gerry McKenna
Health Services & Global Health Research Group Co-Lead
Professor Ciaran O'Neill
Health Services & Global Health Research Group Co-Lead
Current academic staff members of the Health Services Research Group together with the link to their respective webpages and contact details are listed below:
Academic Staff
Professor Gerry McKenna (Research Group Co-Lead)
Professor Ciaran O’Neill (Research Group Co-Lead)
Postdoctoral Research Fellows:
PhD Students
Mosfer Alwalah: Principal Supervisor: Dr Neil Heron
PhD Title: Physical Activity Pattern and its Relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI)Among Saudi Children
Nicola Holland: Principal Supervisor: Prof Gerald McKenna
PhD Title: Exploration of the relationship between poor oral health and cognitive decline in older adults who live in nursing and residential homes.
Michelle Jones: Principal Supervisor: Prof Ciaran O'Neill
PhD Title: Comparing the cost-effectiveness of drug treatments for multiple myeloma between Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Benedict Leonard-Hawkhead: Principal Supervisor: Dr David Wright
PhD Title: Machine learning to predict progression of glaucoma
Vinh Chi Le: Principal Supervisor: Dr Lynne Lohfeld
PhD Title: The effect of vision correction on rates of motor vehicle crashes involving young drivers of two-wheeled motorised vehicles in Vietnam: A mixed-methods investigation
Sonia Mavi: Principal Supervisor: Dr Ving Chan
PhD Title: Zimbabwe Eyecare and Learning (ZEAL)
Hanan Mofty: Principal Supervisor: Dr Ruth Hogg
PhD Title: What are the best functional and structural outcomes for tracking progression of Diabetic Retinopathy and response to antiangiogenic interventions?
Fatemeh Amir Rad : Principal Supervisor: Prof Gerry McKenna
PhD Title: A critical examination of assessments for postgraduate dental students
Sachi Makino: Principal Supervisor: Prof Gerry McKenna
PhD Title: The Evaluation of the Impacts of a Tailored Habit-Based Dietary Intervention Coupled with Oral Rehabilitation on the Nutritional Status of Partially Edentulous Older Adults
Aziza Sallam: Principal Supervisor: Dr Noleen McCorry
PhD Title: Regulation of health and social care in Northern Ireland: a mixed methods evaluation of impact on quality improvement
Sharmin Shitol: Principal Supervisor: Dr Lynne Lohfeld
PhD Title: The impact of near vision correction on social support beneficiaries in Bangladesh: A mixed-methods study
Stephen Stewart: Principal Supervisor: Prof Augusto Azuara-Blanco
PhD Title: The use of machine learning to improve toric intraocular lens power prediction for cataract surgery
Michael Toal: Principal Supervisor: Prof Ciaran O'Neill
PhD Title: Can cost-effective strategies identify and stabilise higher risk patients with Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy and prevent end-stage renal disease?
Keerthana Umapathy: Principal Supervisor: Dr Lynne Lohfeld
PhD Title: Investigating vision and Cognition in Older adults in South India: A Qualitative Study
Sarah Watson: Principal Supervisor: Dr Ruth Hogg
PhD Title: Investigating the feasibility of home monitoring of visual function in populations at high risk of developing Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) using novel game-based technology (OKKO Health)
Baixiang Xiao: Principal Supervisor: Professor Nathan Congdon
PhD Title: A Randomised Trial Testing the Efficacy of a Novel Bright Classroom in Preventing Myopia in Chinese Schoolchildren.