Patient / Personal and Public Involvement (PPI)

The Centre for Public Health (CPH) is delighted to announce that it has launched a Patient / Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) group for older adults. The purpose of the group is to establish an active partnership between patients and/or members of the public and researchers. It is hoped that the partnership will allow patients and the public to contribute as advisors to the research conducted at the CPH.

The Centre for Public Health hosted it’s first PPI event on the 28th August with 13 people present, including four Queen’s University research staff, a Programme Manager from the Public Health Agency, and 8 patients and members of the public. Click link below for further information on the event.
PPI Events
To acknowledge the International Day of Older Persons, the Centre for Public Health’s PPI team hosted a coffee morning for the BELONG PPI Group. Click link below for further information on the event.
PPI Coffee Morning