PPI Events
First PPI Event
The Centre for Public Health hosted it’s first PPI event on the 28th August with 13 people present, including four Queen’s University research staff, a Programme Manager from the Public Health Agency, and 8 patients and members of the public.
Dr Watson conducted an exercise asking members what they hope to get out of this new partnership. Group responses included, learning more about PPI in research, improving care and services for older people, helping others in the future and giving something back. Dr McGowan provided a brief overview of what research and PPI in research are, and how we would like the group to be actively involved in our research. Specifically, Dr McGowan mentioned that the group can help us identify and prioritise our research, provide feedback on research material that research participants will receive and help us publicise our findings.
Dr Johnston provided an overview of PPI in the Health and Social Care (HSC) Research and talked about the PIER NI (Public Involvement Enhancing Research) group consisting of patients, carers and members of the public, who assist HSC Research and Development Division with implementing PPI in its decision-making processes. Gail also mentioned about a free PPI workshop for researchers and members of the public who are interested in getting involved in research. The 1-day workshop will take place on 11th October from 9.30am until 4.00pm at the Ulster University, Jordanstown. For more information contact Gail: gail.johnston@hscni.net.
PPI activity: Dr Gerry McKenna
The group were also asked to take part in a PPI activity hosted by Dr Gerry McKenna. The aim of the activity was to explore what the most important elements of a dental service should be as you lose your independence. This was a priority setting exercise that has been conducted in other parts of the UK and Ireland. It is anticipated that the information obtained will help inform the design of oral healthcare services for older people that will match their needs and preferences.
What’s next?
We are also hoping to hold the same event in January for members of the group who were unable to attend. If you wish to find out more information about PPI, please feel free to contact the CPH PPI Team via:
Centre for Public Health
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
Queen’s University Belfast
Institute of Clinical Science Block A (First Floor)
Grosvenor Road
BT12 6BJ
Email: ppiresearch@qub.ac.uk
Telephone: 02890976453
Links for further information about PPI: