Kerric Harvey
Links to Kerric Harvey “Flashpoint” online materials
Two actual broadcasts/webcasts on WDIY-88, an American National Public Radio (NPR) affiliate station, Summer of 2021.
(Full program followed by very brief interview with playwright and Arun Chaudhary, official White House videographer for Barack Obama.)
(Full program followed by brief interview with student technical director and playwright.)
Other ethnographic theatre productions and materials:
“Democracy: PL Re-Tweet”
This is a short play-within-a-play that I wrote and produced with a team of student volunteers in collaboration with the Global Media Institute in the run-up to the pivotal 2014 U.S. mid-term election, in which the Tea Party moved into national politics as a significant presence. We created a blog that
solicited short poems about the election from the public and then fashioned those into a radio play that was broadcast (6) times on Sirius-XM radio and the National News Network later that year.
(Broadcast of the actual play from the Centre for Imaginative Ethnography website archives page along with interview about changing technology, society, and culture. CBS Dick Golden interviewer.)
“The Interrogation Project: An Experiment in Ethnographic Theatre”
The "Interrogation Project” involved writing and producing several different versions of the same 10 minute play in order to map the emotional, political, and moral contours of an extremely relevant and highly flammable topic of public concern – the moral, military, and ethical considerations factoring into the acceptance or rejection of torture as a means of combating modern-day terrorism. To do this, I used this original, purpose-built ten-minute play to identify the "breakpoints" in public attitudes towards the use of torture as an acceptable tactic for fighting terrorism, and to explore the degree to which "reluctant acceptability" might be related to historical distance, geo-cultural specificity, and/or the key demographic signifiers of the actual people involved in case-specific circumstances. Produced and performed live at George Washington University in April 2016.
(Link to article published on the CIE website detailing the project and providing the script.)
“Stories of from Research to Reality: How Social Sciences Change the World”
Featured presenter at Sage Publications Speakers Forum on Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill about the impact of the social and behavioral sciences.
“Data Visualization and Social Justice Panel Discussion", October 2020, GWU
(Featured speaker at this conservatory-based art school exploration the potential and the limits of using data visualization as a storytelling device for contemporary issues.)