Registration is required from all co-authors planning to participate in the event. We kindly ask you to register for the conference at your earliest convenience. This will allow us to finalise the programme and local arrangements. Early bird registration is now open until 23:59 GMT April 22 via this link . You will be able to register at an additional fee up until 23:59 GMT May 10.
After filling the form, you will be redirected to the external paypal page to pay the fees. Should you prefer to pay by bank transfer, you will need to complete this form and contact the organisers for details of the bank where you should then wire the payment (if you do, please let us know which currency you prefer paying in). Your registration will only be complete - and you will receive confirmation of registration - once we receive that payment: If you have any concerns, do let us know by sending an email to
Due to the number of participants, we have reluctantly decided to introduce a nominal participation fee to cover the costs of IT support and catering at the workshop. Please see the fees structure below and make the payment until April 22: Note that different fees apply to scholars based in the Global North Countries and Elsewhere, IPSA members avail of a preferential fee. If your country is not in the Group A - you are eligible for Global South fees.
You can also chose to pay for Conference dinner (35 Euro) at the registration. Under the registration link above you will be able to indicate if you have dietary restrictions and any further details. The figure [in brackets] is for registration on or after April 23:
Onsite participants:
- Established scholars: Global North 50 [100] - Global South 30 [60]
- Students Global North 25 [50] - Global South 15 [30]
- Observer/Discussants/Chairs without a Paper 15 [30]
Online participants:
- Established scholars: Global North 20 [40] - Global South 10 [40]
- Students Global North 10 [20] - Global South 5 [10]
Please note that all panels will be either online, or on site: We have decided to encourage either/or options as mixed/hybrid panels have different discussion dynamics and we are keen on benefitting from personal interactions while putting everyone in the panel on equal footing.