Dr Pantelis Sopasakis Lecturer |
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Journal Paper
Mansouri, S. S., Sopasakis, P., Georgoulas, G., Gustafsson, T. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Visual Area Coverage with Attitude-Dependent Camera Footprints by Particle Harvesting (2020), Robotica
, 2020, (pp1-19)
Hans, C. A., Sopasakis, P. ., Raisch, J., Reincke-Collon, C. & Patrinos, P. ., Risk-Averse Model Predictive Operation Control of Islanded Microgrids (2019), IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
, 2019
Sopasakis, P., Herceg, D., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Risk-averse model predictive control (2018), Automatica
, Vol. 100, 2018, (pp281)
Herceg, D., Ntouskas, S., Sopasakis, P., Dokoumetzidis, A., Macheras, P., Sarimveis, H. & Patrinos, P., Modeling and administration scheduling of fractional-order pharmacokinetic systems (2017), IFAC-PapersOnLine
, Vol. 50, 2017, (pp9742 - 9747)
Sopasakis, P., Herceg, D., Patrinos, P. & Bemporad, A., Stochastic economic model predictive control for Markovian switching systems (2017), IFAC-PapersOnLine
, Vol. 50, 2017, (pp524-530)
Sopasakis, P., Sampathirao, A. K., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Uncertainty-aware demand management of water distribution networks in deregulated energy markets (2017), Environmental Modelling and Software
, Vol. 101, 2017, (pp10-22)
Ntouskas, S., Sarimveis, H. & Sopasakis, P., Model predictive control for offset-free reference tracking of fractional order systems (2017), Control Engineering Practice
, Vol. 71, 2017, (pp26-33)
Sopasakis, P., Sarimveis, H., Macheras, P. & Dokoumetzidis, A., Fractional calculus in pharmacokinetics (2017), Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
, Vol. 45, 2017, (pp107-125)
Chomenidis, C., Drakakis, G., Tsiliki, G., Anagnostopoulou, E., Valsamis, A., Doganis, P., Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Jaqpot Quattro: A Novel Computational Web Platform for Modeling and Analysis in Nanoinformatics (2017), JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING
, Vol. 57, 2017, (pp2161–2172)
Sampathirao, A. K., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., GPU-Accelerated Stochastic Predictive Control of Drinking Water Networks (2017), IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
, Vol. 26, 2017, (pp551-562)
Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Stabilising model predictive control for discrete-time fractional-order systems (2016), Automatica
, Vol. 75, 2016, (pp24-31)
Sopasakis, P., Patrinos, P., Sarimveis, H. & Bemporad, A., Model predictive control for linear impulsive systems (2015), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, Vol. 60, 2015, (pp2277-2282)
Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Controlled Drug Administration by a Fractional PID (2014), IFAC Proceedings Volumes
, Vol. 47, 2014, (pp8421 - 8426)
Sampathirao, A. K., Grosso, J. M., Sopasakis, P., Ocampo-Martinez, C., Bemporad, A. & Puig, V., Water demand forecasting for the optimal operation of large-scale drinking water networks: The Barcelona Case Study. (2014), IFAC Proceedings Volumes
, Vol. 47, 2014, (pp10457 - 10462)
Sopasakis, P., Patrinos, P. & Sarimveis, H., Robust model predictive control for optimal continuous drug administration (2014), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
, Vol. 116, 2014, (pp193 - 204)
Patrinos, P., Sopasakis, P., Sarimveis, H. & Bemporad, A., Stochastic model predictive control for constrained discrete-time Markovian switching systems (2014), Automatica
, Vol. 50, 2014, (pp2504-2514)
Sopasakis, P., Patrinos, P. & Sarimveis, H., MPC for Sampled-Data Linear Systems: Guaranteeing Constraint Satisfaction in Continuous Time (2014), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
, Vol. 59, 2014, (pp1088-1093)
Tetko, I., Sopasakis, P., Kunwar, P., Brandmaier, S., Novotarskyi, S., Charochkina, L., Prokopenko, V. & Peijenburg, W., Prioritization of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) using the QSPR-Thesaurus Web Tool (2013), Alternatives to Laboratory Animals
, Vol. 41, 2013, (pp127-135)
Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., An integer programming approach for optimal drug dose computation (2012), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
, Vol. 108, 2012, (pp1022-1035)
Patrinos, P., Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., A global piecewise smooth Newton method for fast large-scale model predictive control (2011), Automatica
, Vol. 47, 2011, (pp2016-2022)
Hardy, B., Douglas, N., Helma, C., Rautenberg, M., Jeliazkova, N., Jeliazkov, V., Nikolova, I., Benigni, R., Tcheremenskaia, O., Kramer, S., Girschick, T., Buchwald, F., Wicker, J., Karwath, A., Gütlein, M., Maunz, A., Sarimveis, H., Mela, Collaborative development of predictive toxicology applications (2010), Journal of Cheminformatics
, Vol. 2, 2010, (pp1-29)
Book Chapter
Domyshev, A., Häger, U., Panasetsky, D., Sidorov, D. & Sopasakis, P., Resilient Future Energy Systems: Smart Grids, Vehicle-to-Grid and Microgrids (2020), Solving Urban Infrastructure Problems Using Smart City Technologies,
Conference Paper
Mansouri, S. S., Kanellakis, C., Fresk, E., Lindqvist, B., Kominiak, D., Koval, A., Sopasakis, P. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Subterranean MAV Navigation based on Nonlinear MPC with Collision Avoidance Constraints (2020), 21st IFAC World Congress
, Jul 2020
Lindqvist, B., Mansouri, S. S., Sopasakis, P. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Collision Avoidance for Multiple Micro Aerial Vehicles using Fast Centralized Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (2020), IFAC World Congress
, May 2020
Trimble, S., Naeem, W., McLoone, S. & Sopasakis, P., Context-aware robotic arm using fast embedded model predictive control (2020), Irish Systems and Signals Conference: Proceedings
, May 2020
Sopasakis, P., Fresk, E. & Patrinos, P., OpEn: Code Generation for Embedded Nonconvex Optimization (2020), 21st IFAC World Congress: Proceedings
, May 2020
Schuurmans, M., Sopasakis, P. & Patrinos, P., Safe Learning-Based Control of Stochastic Jump Linear Systems: a Distributionally Robust Approach (2019), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019)
, Mar 2019, (pp1-7)
Sopasakis, P., Schuurmans, M. & Patrinos, P., Risk-averse risk-constrained optimal control (2019), European Control Conference
, Mar 2019, (pp1-7)
Katriniok, A., Sopasakis, P., Schuurmans, M. & Patrinos, P., Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Distributed Motion Planning in Road Intersections Using PANOC (2019), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019)
, Mar 2019, (pp1-7)
Small, E., Sopasakis, P., Fresk, E., Patrinos, P. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Aerial navigation in obstructed environments with embedded nonlinear model predictive control (2019), European Control Conference
, Mar 2019, (pp3556-3563)
Tsiakkas, M., Sopasakis, P., Boem, F., Panayiotou, C. & Polycarpou, M., Active Fault Diagnosis via Reachable Set Separation using Interval Methods (2019), European Control Conference
, Mar 2019, (pp4374-4379)
Sopasakis, P., Menounou, K. & Patrinos, P., SuperSCS: fast and accurate large-scale conic optimization (2019), European Control Conference
, Mar 2019, (pp1500-1505)
Sathya, A., Sopasakis, P., Van Parys, R., Themelis, A., Pipeleers, G. & Patrinos, P., Embedded nonlinear model predictive control for obstacle avoidance using PANOC (2018), European Control Conference
, Jun 2018, (pp1523-1528)
Stella, L., Themelis, A., Sopasakis, P. & Patrinos, P., A simple and efficient algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control (2017), 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'17)
, 2017, (pp1939-1944)
Sopasakis, P., Themelis, A., Suykens, J. & Patrinos, P., A Primal-Dual Line Search Method and Applications in Image Processing (2017), European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
, 2017
Sampathirao, A. K., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Proximal Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Methods for Scenario-based Stochastic Optimal Control (2017), 2017 IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July
, Jul 2017, (pp11865-11870)
Herceg, D., Georgoulas, G., Sopasakis, P., Castaño, M., Patrinos, P., Bemporad, A., Niemi, J. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Data-driven modelling, learning and stochastic predictive control for the steel industry (2017), 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
, Jul 2017, (pp1361-1366)
Sopasakis, P., Freris, N. & Patrinos, P., Accelerated reconstruction of a compressively sampled data stream (2016), 24th European Signal Processing conference (EUSIPCO)
, 2016
Hans, C. A., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A., Raisch, J. & Reincke-Collon, C., Scenario-based model predictive operation control of islanded microgrids (2016), 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
, Feb 2016, (pp3272-3277)
Sampathirao, A. K., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Distributed solution of stochastic optimal control problems on GPUs (2015), 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
, Dec 2015, (pp7183-7188)
Sopasakis, P., Bernardini, D., Strauch, H., Bennani, S. & Bemporad, A., A Hybrid Model Predictive Control Approach to Attitude Control with Minimum-Impulse-Bit Thrusters (2015), European Control Conference (IFAC)
, Jul 2015
Sopasakis, P., Bernardini, D., Strauch, H., Bennani, S. & Bemporad, A., Sloshing-aware attitude control of impulsively actuated spacecraft (2015), European Control Conference (IFAC)
, Jul 2015
Sopasakis, P., Ntouskas, S. & Sarimveis, H., Robust model predictive control for discrete-time fractional-order systems (2015), Mediteranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2015, IEEE)
, Jun 2015
Sopasakis, P., Bernardini, D. & Bemporad, A., Constrained model predictive control based on reduced-order models (2013), 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
, Dec 2013, (pp7071-7076)
Patrinos, P., Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Constrained Networked Control Systems with Random Time Delay (2011), 18th IFAC World Congress
, 2011, (pp12626-12631)