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Dr Pantelis Sopasakis
Photo of Pantelis Sopasakis  
E-mail: P dot Sopasakis at qub dot ac dot uk
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Journal Paper

  1. Mansouri, S. S., Sopasakis, P., Georgoulas, G., Gustafsson, T. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Visual Area Coverage with Attitude-Dependent Camera Footprints by Particle Harvesting (2020), Robotica , 2020, (pp1-19)

  2. Hans, C. A., Sopasakis, P. ., Raisch, J., Reincke-Collon, C. & Patrinos, P. ., Risk-Averse Model Predictive Operation Control of Islanded Microgrids (2019), IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 2019

  3. Sopasakis, P., Herceg, D., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Risk-averse model predictive control (2018), Automatica , Vol. 100, 2018, (pp281)

  4. Herceg, D., Ntouskas, S., Sopasakis, P., Dokoumetzidis, A., Macheras, P., Sarimveis, H. & Patrinos, P., Modeling and administration scheduling of fractional-order pharmacokinetic systems (2017), IFAC-PapersOnLine , Vol. 50, 2017, (pp9742 - 9747)

  5. Sopasakis, P., Herceg, D., Patrinos, P. & Bemporad, A., Stochastic economic model predictive control for Markovian switching systems (2017), IFAC-PapersOnLine , Vol. 50, 2017, (pp524-530)

  6. Sopasakis, P., Sampathirao, A. K., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Uncertainty-aware demand management of water distribution networks in deregulated energy markets (2017), Environmental Modelling and Software , Vol. 101, 2017, (pp10-22)

  7. Ntouskas, S., Sarimveis, H. & Sopasakis, P., Model predictive control for offset-free reference tracking of fractional order systems (2017), Control Engineering Practice , Vol. 71, 2017, (pp26-33)

  8. Sopasakis, P., Sarimveis, H., Macheras, P. & Dokoumetzidis, A., Fractional calculus in pharmacokinetics (2017), Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics , Vol. 45, 2017, (pp107-125)

  9. Chomenidis, C., Drakakis, G., Tsiliki, G., Anagnostopoulou, E., Valsamis, A., Doganis, P., Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Jaqpot Quattro: A Novel Computational Web Platform for Modeling and Analysis in Nanoinformatics (2017), JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING , Vol. 57, 2017, (pp2161–2172)

  10. Sampathirao, A. K., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., GPU-Accelerated Stochastic Predictive Control of Drinking Water Networks (2017), IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , Vol. 26, 2017, (pp551-562)

  11. Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Stabilising model predictive control for discrete-time fractional-order systems (2016), Automatica , Vol. 75, 2016, (pp24-31)

  12. Sopasakis, P., Patrinos, P., Sarimveis, H. & Bemporad, A., Model predictive control for linear impulsive systems (2015), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 60, 2015, (pp2277-2282)

  13. Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Controlled Drug Administration by a Fractional PID (2014), IFAC Proceedings Volumes , Vol. 47, 2014, (pp8421 - 8426)

  14. Sampathirao, A. K., Grosso, J. M., Sopasakis, P., Ocampo-Martinez, C., Bemporad, A. & Puig, V., Water demand forecasting for the optimal operation of large-scale drinking water networks: The Barcelona Case Study. (2014), IFAC Proceedings Volumes , Vol. 47, 2014, (pp10457 - 10462)

  15. Sopasakis, P., Patrinos, P. & Sarimveis, H., Robust model predictive control for optimal continuous drug administration (2014), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine , Vol. 116, 2014, (pp193 - 204)

  16. Patrinos, P., Sopasakis, P., Sarimveis, H. & Bemporad, A., Stochastic model predictive control for constrained discrete-time Markovian switching systems (2014), Automatica , Vol. 50, 2014, (pp2504-2514)

  17. Sopasakis, P., Patrinos, P. & Sarimveis, H., MPC for Sampled-Data Linear Systems: Guaranteeing Constraint Satisfaction in Continuous Time (2014), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 59, 2014, (pp1088-1093)

  18. Tetko, I., Sopasakis, P., Kunwar, P., Brandmaier, S., Novotarskyi, S., Charochkina, L., Prokopenko, V. & Peijenburg, W., Prioritization of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) using the QSPR-Thesaurus Web Tool (2013), Alternatives to Laboratory Animals , Vol. 41, 2013, (pp127-135)

  19. Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., An integer programming approach for optimal drug dose computation (2012), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine , Vol. 108, 2012, (pp1022-1035)

  20. Patrinos, P., Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., A global piecewise smooth Newton method for fast large-scale model predictive control (2011), Automatica , Vol. 47, 2011, (pp2016-2022)

  21. Hardy, B., Douglas, N., Helma, C., Rautenberg, M., Jeliazkova, N., Jeliazkov, V., Nikolova, I., Benigni, R., Tcheremenskaia, O., Kramer, S., Girschick, T., Buchwald, F., Wicker, J., Karwath, A., Gütlein, M., Maunz, A., Sarimveis, H., Mela, Collaborative development of predictive toxicology applications (2010), Journal of Cheminformatics , Vol. 2, 2010, (pp1-29)

Book Chapter

  1. Domyshev, A., Häger, U., Panasetsky, D., Sidorov, D. & Sopasakis, P., Resilient Future Energy Systems: Smart Grids, Vehicle-to-Grid and Microgrids (2020), Solving Urban Infrastructure Problems Using Smart City Technologies, 2020

Conference Paper

  1. Mansouri, S. S., Kanellakis, C., Fresk, E., Lindqvist, B., Kominiak, D., Koval, A., Sopasakis, P. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Subterranean MAV Navigation based on Nonlinear MPC with Collision Avoidance Constraints (2020), 21st IFAC World Congress , Jul 2020

  2. Lindqvist, B., Mansouri, S. S., Sopasakis, P. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Collision Avoidance for Multiple Micro Aerial Vehicles using Fast Centralized Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (2020), IFAC World Congress , May 2020

  3. Trimble, S., Naeem, W., McLoone, S. & Sopasakis, P., Context-aware robotic arm using fast embedded model predictive control (2020), Irish Systems and Signals Conference: Proceedings , May 2020

  4. Sopasakis, P., Fresk, E. & Patrinos, P., OpEn: Code Generation for Embedded Nonconvex Optimization (2020), 21st IFAC World Congress: Proceedings , May 2020

  5. Schuurmans, M., Sopasakis, P. & Patrinos, P., Safe Learning-Based Control of Stochastic Jump Linear Systems: a Distributionally Robust Approach (2019), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019) , Mar 2019, (pp1-7)

  6. Sopasakis, P., Schuurmans, M. & Patrinos, P., Risk-averse risk-constrained optimal control (2019), European Control Conference , Mar 2019, (pp1-7)

  7. Katriniok, A., Sopasakis, P., Schuurmans, M. & Patrinos, P., Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Distributed Motion Planning in Road Intersections Using PANOC (2019), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019) , Mar 2019, (pp1-7)

  8. Small, E., Sopasakis, P., Fresk, E., Patrinos, P. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Aerial navigation in obstructed environments with embedded nonlinear model predictive control (2019), European Control Conference , Mar 2019, (pp3556-3563)

  9. Tsiakkas, M., Sopasakis, P., Boem, F., Panayiotou, C. & Polycarpou, M., Active Fault Diagnosis via Reachable Set Separation using Interval Methods (2019), European Control Conference , Mar 2019, (pp4374-4379)

  10. Sopasakis, P., Menounou, K. & Patrinos, P., SuperSCS: fast and accurate large-scale conic optimization (2019), European Control Conference , Mar 2019, (pp1500-1505)

  11. Sathya, A., Sopasakis, P., Van Parys, R., Themelis, A., Pipeleers, G. & Patrinos, P., Embedded nonlinear model predictive control for obstacle avoidance using PANOC (2018), European Control Conference , Jun 2018, (pp1523-1528)

  12. Stella, L., Themelis, A., Sopasakis, P. & Patrinos, P., A simple and efficient algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control (2017), 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'17) , 2017, (pp1939-1944)

  13. Sopasakis, P., Themelis, A., Suykens, J. & Patrinos, P., A Primal-Dual Line Search Method and Applications in Image Processing (2017), European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) , 2017

  14. Sampathirao, A. K., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Proximal Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Methods for Scenario-based Stochastic Optimal Control (2017), 2017 IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July , Jul 2017, (pp11865-11870)

  15. Herceg, D., Georgoulas, G., Sopasakis, P., Castaño, M., Patrinos, P., Bemporad, A., Niemi, J. & Nikolakopoulos, G., Data-driven modelling, learning and stochastic predictive control for the steel industry (2017), 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) , Jul 2017, (pp1361-1366)

  16. Sopasakis, P., Freris, N. & Patrinos, P., Accelerated reconstruction of a compressively sampled data stream (2016), 24th European Signal Processing conference (EUSIPCO) , 2016

  17. Hans, C. A., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A., Raisch, J. & Reincke-Collon, C., Scenario-based model predictive operation control of islanded microgrids (2016), 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) , Feb 2016, (pp3272-3277)

  18. Sampathirao, A. K., Sopasakis, P., Bemporad, A. & Patrinos, P., Distributed solution of stochastic optimal control problems on GPUs (2015), 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) , Dec 2015, (pp7183-7188)

  19. Sopasakis, P., Bernardini, D., Strauch, H., Bennani, S. & Bemporad, A., A Hybrid Model Predictive Control Approach to Attitude Control with Minimum-Impulse-Bit Thrusters (2015), European Control Conference (IFAC) , Jul 2015

  20. Sopasakis, P., Bernardini, D., Strauch, H., Bennani, S. & Bemporad, A., Sloshing-aware attitude control of impulsively actuated spacecraft (2015), European Control Conference (IFAC) , Jul 2015

  21. Sopasakis, P., Ntouskas, S. & Sarimveis, H., Robust model predictive control for discrete-time fractional-order systems (2015), Mediteranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2015, IEEE) , Jun 2015

  22. Sopasakis, P., Bernardini, D. & Bemporad, A., Constrained model predictive control based on reduced-order models (2013), 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Dec 2013, (pp7071-7076)

  23. Patrinos, P., Sopasakis, P. & Sarimveis, H., Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Constrained Networked Control Systems with Random Time Delay (2011), 18th IFAC World Congress , 2011, (pp12626-12631)