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Research Students (21-22 starts)



Name: Stephen Mcllvanna

Location: Ashby Tower Block

Project Title: Learning- based Safety Critical Control for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

Supervisor: Dr Mien Van and Dr Wasif Naeem




Name: Omer Emin Cinar

Location: Ashby Lab Block - 01.027

Project Title: Development of an Augmented Reality Application for Solid Modelling from the Perspective of Engineering Education

Supervisor: Professor Karen Rafferty, Dr David Cutting and Professor Hui Wang




Name: Nguyen Minh Nhat

Location: Ashby Tower Block

Project Title: Digital- Twin Based in-Process Quality Control for Robotic Machining

Supervisors: Dr Mien Van




Name: Jack Close

Location: Ashby Tower Block - 08.005/ 10.005

Project Title: Learning Based Control for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

Supervisors: Dr Mien Van and Dr Chongfeng Wei



Name: Kabirat Olayemi

Location: Ashby Tower Block

Project Title: Resilient Risk - Aware Autonomy for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles

Supervisors: Dr Mien Van and Professor Sean McLoone
