John Fullerton
John Fullerton
I joined the CDT in 2018 after graduating with a MSci in Chemical Physics from the University of Glasgow. My research interests are in Nanomagnetism and Electron microscopy.
Ultra-Advanced Characterisation Studies of Three-Dimensional Spintronic Nanocircuits
Dr. Amalio Fernández-Pacheco, University of Glasgow
Miryam Arredondo-Arechavala, Queen’s University Belfast
Three-dimensional (3D) nanomagnets, with unprecedented spin-electronic, topological, structural and thermal properties, are promising systems for the future development of greener, more capable, multi-functional devices. Specifically, new types of spin topologies emerge in 3D nanomagnets, providing an exciting new route for ultra-high density, ultra-low power data storage and memory/logic devices.
Advances in 3D nanomagnetism, however, demand for novel nanotechnology tools able to fabricate and characterise 3D nano-objects. In particular, probing 3D nanomagnets, with complex vector spin textures and non-planar geometries, is a very challenging task. This project will investigate the magnetic properties of topological spin textures emerging in 3D nanostructures, by ultra-advanced magnetic characterisation. For this, we will combine electron, X-ray and scanning probe microscopy, together with optical nano-magnetometry.
CDT Research Themes:
D - Characterisation and failure analysis using scanning probe and electron microscopy with electron and x-ray material analysis
E - Advanced materials for magnetic recording optimised for high temperature fluctuations through composition, layering and patterning on μm and nm scales
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