Ground Plane Silicon on Insulator (GPSOI)
WSi2 - GPSOI Substrates and Their Influence on
Cross-talk Suppression and Inductance
(by Dr. Paul Baine)
The Performance of RF analogue circuits in Integrated Mixed signal Telecoms IC’s can be compromised by cross-talk through the silicon substrate from adjacent digital circuits. This becomes more severe as the frequency is increased especially in SOI. A solution to this problem is to integrate a WSi2 ground plane into the SOI structure in order to reduce the cross-talk.

- P.Baine et al, Semiconductor wafer bonding VII, Science, Technology and Applications. Proceedings Electrochemical Society, Paris 2003.
- S. Stefanou et al, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 51, no. 3 March 2004.
- John Hamel et al, IEEE Microwave Guided Waves Letters, vol. 10, pp. 134-135, April 2000.