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Invest in Our Planet: Crowdsourcing Ideas for a Sustainable Future at Queen's

April 28, 2023
Queen's University Belfast
12:30 - 15:30

How can the university (and wider Belfast city region) innovate to meet the challenges of climate breakdown, energy use and food security?
Location: 27 University Square, Room 01/003
Join this collaborative and practical workshop to reflect on these challenges and crowdsource ideas about how we can best respond to them.
Co-hosted by Brink and the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action (SECA), the workshop will involve:
  • A brief panel discussion on themes of 'We Eat, We Heat, We Travel, We Waste', with contributions from QUB academics, students, staff and creative practitioners
  • An interactive session, with groups discussing ideas on what we can and should do - as members of the university community, as citizens and as a society - to tackle these challenges.
  • A round-up of the ideas discussed.
While there will be a focus on the university, this event is open to all members of the public.
Register via Eventbrite here.
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