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Resisting extractivism (on and beyond the island of Ireland)

Louise and Calum are joined again by Lynda Sullivan and V'cenza Cirefice to talk about ongoing anti-extractivist struggles on the island of Ireland, and beyond. Though this can be listened to as an independent episode, Lynda and V’cenza joined us for a conversation on ecofeminism and anti-extractivism in episode 2 that would make a useful primer for this discussion.

With Ireland, North and South, consistently ranking in the top 10 countries with policies most attractive to the mining industry, communities across the island have found themselves on the frontline of anti-extractivist activism. While speaking about their own involvement in these campaigns and organising across Ireland with Communities Against the Injustice of Mining (CAIM) network, Lynda and V’cenza help us understand how this social and ecological injustice is symptomatic of a global capitalist system of exploitation and extraction.

Warning! Bad language throughout, but also lots of humour and big slices of craic. Enjoy... 

Stream this and all other episodes here
