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Climate activism

What does or can climate activism achieve? What’s the link between throwing paint over bank buildings and the demand for radical climate action? Is there one? Where’s democracy in all this?

In this episode, Calum and Louise are again joined by Seán Fearon to discuss these questions and more. Thoughts on, insights from and conversations about activism are the common threads running through all these episodes. It’s a theme we’ll continue to come back to. But we felt that there was still a lot to say after our previous chat with Seán on episode 4, ‘Is capitalism violent?’

This episode is a bit longer than usual. And in many ways we barely scratched the surface! We hope you can stick it out, because it’s a BIG conversation that need to be having much more often.

Warning! There is some honesty about our planetary crisis and bad language throughout, but also lots of humour and big slices of craic. Enjoy... 

Stream this and all other episodes here
