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Economic System Change or Climate Change?

June 27, 2023
Queen's University Belfast & Online
14:00 - 16:00

If neoliberal capitalism is on track to trigger catastrophic and irreversible climate change what are the alternatives to it?

A SECA seminar with Robin Hahnel, veteran activist and scholar, on how we should think about and respond to ecocidal and climate destroying neoliberal capitalism.


Location: 27 University Square, Room 01/003 & Online

More details and registration via Eventbrite.


The workshop will focus on the following questions, to which Robin will give and explain his answers:

(1) Is neoliberal capitalism on track to trigger catastrophic and irreversible climate change?

(2) Is there an alternative economic system which would no longer do so, but instead, prevent climate change, adequately protect the natural environment forever, and still allow economic wellbeing to increase indefinitely?

(3) Does this mean that the solution to “climate change” is “economic system change,” i.e. to replace capitalism with an appropriate version of “eco-socialism?”


Robin Hahnel is an American economist and professor emeritus of economics at American University. He was a professor at American University for many years and travelled extensively advising on economic matters all over the world.

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