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Environmental Human Rights – From Nicaragua to NI

Join us for a discussion about environmental and human rights with keynote speaker Mónica López Baltodano

A woman standing beside a tree
March 14, 2022
Canada Room and Council Chamber
19:00 - 21:00


Companies often employ an economic model which prioritises profit over human rights and the environment. This corporate policy, which often operates with impunity, has significantly advanced the climate crisis, impacted local communities across the globe and contributed to the persecution of those who stand up for environmental rights.

Environmental human rights defenders work to protect the environment against this exploitation and defend the rights of their communities.

This event, hosted by the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action at QUB (SECA) will explore human and environmental rights in Nicaragua, NI and around the world and look at what it means to stand up against such unsustainable exploitation.

Location: Canada Room at QUB

When: Monday 14th March

Time: 7 - 9pm

Keynote speaker
: Mónica López Baltodano has been involved in human rights and environmental rights struggles in Nicaragua for over a decade, particularly focusing on the impact of megaprojects and environmental sustainability. Mónica is the Director of Popol Na and member of Articulation of Social Movements. She has also engaged with students’ movements and civil society platforms united against repression and claiming a democratic transition and justice for Nicaragua. For many years, Mónica has supported the ‘Movimiento Campesino Anti-Canal’ against the interoceanic canal as a legal advisor. She has developed advocacy strategies and organisational processes for several NGOs including Red Local (local development network) and Cocibolca Group (environmentalists’ platform). Mónica has prepared national and international legal actions and advocacy in human rights institutions such as the Interamerican Human Rights Commission (OAS), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council and the UN Human Rights Mechanism.


Mónica López Baltodano: Fellow at Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York

Jeannie McCann: Trócaire

Fidelma O’Kane: Save our Sperrins

James Orr: Friends of the Earth


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A woman standing beside a tree