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Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones


Resilience Co-ordinator
Climate Northern Ireland

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I have over 8 years' experience working on adaptation to climate change across public, private, academic and voluntary sectors in Northern Ireland and further afield. This involves coordinating a 23-strong cross-sectoral steering group to define policy and information priorities and then co-designing solutions. My recent work includes supporting Derry City and Strabane District Council to develop the first climate adaptation plan in Northern Ireland, and establishment of the Local Government Climate Action Network, which I showcased in a session with NI partners at COP26. I hold an MSc in Sustainable Development and a BA in International Studies, both from Queen's University Belfast. In recent years I was a Red Cross Volunteer on the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme and I am also a keen musician and writer.

Research interests will include a focus on building academic-practitioner linkages with policymakers and NGOs, and also linkages between academics themselves; supporting real-world decision making, particularly around resilience to climate impacts, but also mitigation and the assessment of the multiple benefits which come from co-designing and communicating equitable policy interventions. I am keen to engage communities of practice working around the globe on similar topics.