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Deepak Padmanabhan

Dr. Deepak Padmanabhan

Senior Lecturer, Computer Science
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Institute of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology

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Dr Deepak Padmanabhan is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at School of EEECS. His background is in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Analytics. His current research interests are in the ethics of AI, and understanding how AI relates to extant inequalities within society, and places emphasis on embedding such considerations within AI algorithm development. He has a particular interest in exploring pathways for radically reimagining AI for responsible usage within public sector contexts, and understanding the ways in which AI can be reformed for the gig sector to place workers’ interests as the focal point. He has published 100+ papers, authored/edited three books, and is a Senior Member of the IEEE and ACM. He has a keen interest in public communication and is an adjunct faculty member at IIT Madras, India.