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Carys Räsänen-Young

Carys Räsänen-Young


PhD Researcher, Molecular epidemiology
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Science

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Carys Räsänen-Young is a PhD student located in the Centre for Public Health; part of the Epidemiology and Public Health group working with the NICOLA (Northern Ireland Cohort for the Longitudinal Study of Ageing) team, looking at the effects of our environment on aging. My PhD project ‘Molecular profiling of social circumstances: Improving health across three countries’, was set up as part of the US-Ireland award in 2021, in which the NICOLA team are collaborating with TILDA (The Irish LongituDinal Study on Ageing ) in the Republic of Ireland, and the Health and Retirement Study in the US, to research how different exposures over the life course ‘get under our skin’ and can result in poorer health outcomes as we age. Healthy ageing is an important research topic, and is intimately linked with social circumstances, and the environments we are exposed to. I believe building conducive environments to encourage healthy ageing is an important step that administrations must take as we transition to an ageing population.