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The Senator George J.Mitchell Institute
for Global Peace, Security and Justice

News & Events

'Resonating Occupation' Conference, University of Nottingham, 11th May 2018

Professor Fiona Magowan and Dr Jim Donaghey discuss the recent adoption and development of creative and innovative methodologies in the Sounding Conflict project to date.

Resonating Occupation Conference

'Resonating Occupation' Conference, University of Nottingham, 11th May 2018.  This workshop brought together scholars from multiple disciplines working at the nexus of sound, music, and foreign occupation—here defined broadly to include studies of colonialism, imperialism, conflict and war. Professor Fiona Magowan and Dr Jim Donaghey discussed the recent adoption and development of creative and innovative methodologies ustilised in the Sounding Conflict project to date. They explored how these can be integrated with traditional ethonographic methods, facilitate dialogic research practices, geneate transformative impacts whilst maintaining a methodological fit with their current research partner Musicians without Borders.  


Contact Us

The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
Queen's University Belfast
18-19 University Square
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)208 9097 3413 / 3740