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Make An Application

Booking Template

Introduction For Researchers

NICRF is open to all researchers from all multi-disciplinary backgrounds. The NICRF is available to any researcher with a study that has received appropriate ethical approval and, if applicable, management and MHRA approval/authorisation.

If you are interested in running a research study at the NICRF, it would be helpful if you contacted us to discuss your needs informally.

We are very happy to offer tours of the facility. If you would like to arrange a tour, please contact us on: 028 950 43739 or email:

If you wish to conduct your research in the Facility, early contact with the NICRF is advisable. We have developed an application pack which provides clear instruction on how to apply for access to the NICRF and / or include NICRF costs into your grant applications.

Once the Access Committee has considered your application, you will be notified within two weeks if your application has been accepted or declined.

Studies can commence in the NICRF when Belfast Trust Research Office / University Approval has been obtained.

The NICRF is required to produce an activity report each year for our funders and key stakeholders. In these reports, we are required to detail publications that arise out of work conducted in or supported by NICRF. If you choose to use the NICRF Facility as part of your Service Level Agreement, you are required to inform the NICRF of any publications relating to this research. Investigators using the NICRF should acknowledge the NICRF and comply with the Wellcome Trust’s Open Access policy for publications

If you have any further questions, please contact us on: Tel:028 950 43739 or

Application Forms

Documents to Support your Application


Application Process Flow Charts


 Download: Flowchart for approved access to NICRF for studies requiring BHSCT Governance Approval



Download: Flowchart for approved access to NICRF for studies not requiring BHSCT Governance Approval



Costing Policy



NICRF Costing Policy



Download: Template for Grant Costing



General Application



Download: Study Application Form



Blood Sampling Only Application


Download: Blood Sampling Only Application Form




 Download: Blood Sampling Information


Format of how your Study will be publicised on NICRF website


Download: New Study Summary Template for Website



NI Clinical Research Facility,
U Floor, Belfast City Hospital,
Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7AB

Tel:+44 (0)28 9504 0342

Connect to the NICRF