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Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility

  • Principal Investigator:  Professor Liam Heaney


  • Name of the Study: A Multicentre, Single-arm, Phase 3b Efficacy and Safety Study of Tezepelumab 210mg Administered Subcutaneously to Reduce Oral Corticosteroid Use in Adult Participants with Severe Asthma on High-dose Inhaled Corticosteroid plus Long-acting β2 Agonist and Long-Term oral Corticosteroid Therapy (WAYFINDER).

  • Short name: WAYFINDER


  • Why is this important?

    Asthma is a syndrome characterised by airway inflammation, reversible airway obstruction, and airway hyper-responsiveness. Asthma is a leading cause of morbidity with a global prevalence of approximately 300 million; it is estimated that the number of people with asthma may increase to 400 to 450 million people worldwide by 2025.


  • What is the Research question / aim?

    This study aims to assess the ability of Tezepelumab to reduce prescribed OCS dose without loss of asthma control in adult participants with OCS-dependent asthma. Asthma is a syndrome characterised by airway inflammation, reversible airway obstruction, and airway hyper-responsiveness.


  • What the Study involves: 

    This is a single-arm, multicentre study in participants with severe asthma who are receiving a high-dose ICS / LABAS and OCS with or without additional asthma controller(s). The study will be divided in 4 periods: Screening, induction phase, OCS reduction and Maintenance phase, and follow-up. Approximately 300 participants from around 90 sites in approximately 10 countries will enter the induction phase. There will be a total of 16 study visits over a period of 64 weeks. The final study visit will take place by phone, all others will take place in the hospital.


  • Who can take part in the Study?

    This study is only open to patients referred to the Regional Severe Asthma Service.



NI Clinical Research Facility,
U Floor, Belfast City Hospital,
Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7AB

Tel:+44 (0)28 9504 0342

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