National Survey, UK Clinical Research Network, June 2018

A national survey to understand the awareness-levels among patients, families and staff about research
Hospitals with Clinical Research Facilities are research active but do patients and families know how to access this research?
Do the hospital staff have awareness of the research taking place, and know how to signpost patients to it?
The UK Clinical Research Facility Network Patient and Public Involvement/Engagement work stream are running a research awareness survey to understand the answers to these questions and to inform how we engage with staff, patients and visitors about research.
The UK CRFN would be grateful if you could please complete the survey below:
The results will inform recommendations about hospital communication strategies, including how staff members are trained to ensure they can provide patients with information about research. It will also focus their communications on the most relevant channels for patients and visitors, based on the preferences they state in this survey.
Many thanks for your time.