Recruitment still open: Lung Function Study at the NICRF

Researchers from Queen’s are looking for volunteers aged 18-80 who would be interested in a research study to assess their lung function.
In this study the researchers would like to find out the “normal range” results for a new lung function test called Multiple Breath Washout test that is starting to be used Respiratory clinical trials.
The study involves volunteers attending the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility (NICRF) located in the Belfast City Hospital, University Floor, Lisburn Road; for one visit lasting approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. During this visit, two assessments will be carried out; the new lung function test (Multiple Breath Washout), and spirometry (another lung function test).
Volunteers should be aged 18-80 years and not have a respiratory condition (for example; asthma) or be taking any respiratory medication (for example; inhalers or antibiotics).
Participants recruited in Year 1 of this study will be entered into a draw to win an iPad. Car parking can be arranged.
Please read more about the study 06.09.2018 Katherine O Neill recruitment poster for LCI study.
If you are interested taking part, please contact Professor Judy Bradley or Dr Katherine O’Neill for more information.
Tel: 028 950 40342