i-GAIN Study

The i-GAIN team were delighted to welcome the first study participant to attend NICRF on the 29th March 2023.
i-GAIN is an extremely relevant study evaluating a potential treatment option for those with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) which currently affects ~196 million people worldwide causing visual impairment and blindness. They are focusing on late-stage dry AMD in their patient intake.
The team are examining the levels of a group of proteins within the blood called complement proteins which have been found to contribute to the development and progression of AMD.
The PI for this study is Professor Tunde Peto who is a Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at Queen’s University Belfast where she is responsible for teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Her remit also covers the development of International image analysis, training and educating in Countries throughout the world.
If you would like more information regarding this worthwhile study, please click here.