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Date: 31/05/2022
Time: 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: Larmor Lecture Theatre, Queen's University Belfast.
Category: Lecture / Talk / Discussion
As part of the "Our place in space project", in which Queen's University is a supporting partner, we will host a public talk at Queen's and discussion with world leaders in sky surveys and planetary defense. Entry is free, but tickets are required.
ARC Summer Studentships 2022
The QUB Astrophysics Research Centre (ARC) is offering two paid summer internship positions to work on research projects with members of the group. The goal of this scheme is to allow undergraduate students to gain some experience of working on a research project, which will be of particular value to those who are considering applying for a PhD degree program in the future.
This studentship program is open to undergraduate students. Preference will be given to those who have already completed three years of study of a four-year MSci/MPhys degree course, or equivalent, although students who have completed two years of a four-year degree will be considered. Students who have not had previous extensive research experience in astrophysics will be given priority.
Available projects
Projects are available for exciting new research into the Solar System as well as for public engagement. A list can be found here.
Timing and duration
The studentships are expected to be 8 weeks. Projects should be completed in the timeframe 30 May 2022 – 9 September 2022. Specific start and end dates are to be agreed by mutual consent between the student and the supervisor(s).
Student support
The 8-week studentships are funded for £1,800, based on 20 hours per week.
How to apply
Complete this online application form by April 30, 2022.
Selection criteria
Selection will be based on academic excellence, with priority given to students who will benefit from gaining research experience before applying to an astrophysics PhD program and have not previously had similar research project experience. Accordingly, these projects are well suited to undergraduates about to start their final year of a MSci/MPhys program (or equivalent), although applications will be considered from students who have completed at least two years of such a degree course.
Applicants should have in place the right to study in the UK. Contact us if you are unsure.
Further information
For further information about the studentship scheme please contact Dr Ernst de Mooij (, or if your query is related to administration/eligibility, please contact the School Research Team at
Note for QUB applicants
Students who are accepted onto the summer studentship program will not be disadvantaged when it comes to selecting an MSci Level 4 project in astrophysics (or any other topic) at QUB in their final year. Of course, a student cannot do the same specific project for their MSci project module (PHY4001) as they did for the summer project. However, all the projects above have been designed to be self-contained summer projects, and we will ensure that students allocated summer projects are not working on that area in their MSci project. Any student doing both a summer project and MSci Level 4 project will gain experience in two different areas of astrophysics.
The applications for 2022 are closed. However, we are planning to advertise projects for 2023 at the end of March/early April.

Date: 31/05/2022
Time: 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Location: Larmor Lecture Theatre, Queen's University Belfast
Category: Lecture / Talk / Discussion

Dates: 22/02/2023 - 1/02/2023
Time: 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: QUB Main Physics Building
Category: Lecture / Talk / Discussion