Centre for Child, Youth and Family Welfare
We are an inter-disciplinary Centre committed to developing new insights into the lives of children, young people, and families and the promotion of improved welfare outcomes and enhanced wellbeing. Our members are primarily drawn from the disciplines of social work, psychology, law, education, and health and are closely connected with several international Research Centres focused on the welfare of children, young people, and families.
For information on how to join us in the Centre, please contact either Dr Mandi MacDonald (m.macdonald@qub.ac.uk) or Professor Davy Hayes (d.hayes@qub.ac.uk).
Our work spans the continuum of services to children, young people, and families including early intervention, family support, child safeguarding and protection, out of home care, leaving and after care, and adoption. We engage closely with policy makers, practitioners, and families to co-create and implement knowledge that addresses real-world needs and priorities. The scope of the Centre’s work ensures that the best possible evidence is generated to inform policy and professional practice and to enhance outcomes for children, young people, and families.
The Centre’s work comprises three core strands of interlinked activity:

Centre for Child, Youth and Family Welfare
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Queen's University Belfast,
20 College Green
Northern Ireland
E-mail: ssesw@qub.ac.uk
Tel:+44 (0)28 9097 5941