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BlogFeatured Policy Briefs
Queering Peace and Security Policy Brief Series

This toolkit provides a guide for how to queer Women, Peace and Security in practice through three main sections:
1) Queering the four pillars of WPS,
2) Feminist and LGBTQ collaborations, and
3) Queering WPS National Action Plans.
The toolkit was developed in partnership with Colombia Diversa drawing on their work in the Colombian peace process, supporting LGBTQ individuals through transformative justice practices, and engaging in the drafting of the country’s first WPS National Action Plan in 2023.
Watch the recording of our September 2023 launch event and panel discussion about the toolkit here.
This toolkit responds to increased interest in the “contribution that mediation can make at all levels of a conflicted society.
It does so by introducing innovative strategies for transformative mediation and inclusive dialogue in peacebuilding contexts.
Findings and recommendations are drawn from research carried out in Northern Ireland with a diversity of mediators, peacebuilders, and activists.
This toolkit is intended to be a practical reference document through which to stimulate innovative ideas for the implementation of transformative mediation and inclusive dialogue in peacebuilding.