Centre for Technological Innovation, Mental Health and Education
Our history
The TIME Centre builds on and out from the Immersive Technologies and Digital Mental Health Network founded by Dr Paul Best in 2019 and has been established as a hub for academics within Queen’s University, Belfast, in connection with local, national, and global networks. Recognising the rapidity of current technological development and the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to examining complex societal issues and problems. It brings together academics, researchers, educators, industry and practice partners who work at the people and technologies intersection. The TIME Centre focusses on the affordances and challenges of technological innovation and is underpinned by a technology for human good ethos. To become a member of the TIME centre please write to Dr Paul Best at p.best@qub.ac.uk
Centre is a trans-disciplinary partnership of academics, practitioners and technology companies focusing on therapeutic and pedagogical advances in mental health and social care through digital means. The creation of the TIME Centre has also seen the development of new facilities within the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work. Our Creative Technologies and Immersive Media Lab offers access to state-of-the-art equipment and emerging technologies for staff, students, and external partners to support their ongoing work.

School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Queen's University Belfast,
20 College Green
Northern Ireland
E-mail: ssesw@qub.ac.uk
Tel:+44 (0)28 9097 5941