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Contact among children in North Macedonia

New publication by CIIR's member Dr Laura Taylor: "Contact, Conflict and Interethnic Attitudes among Children in North Macedonia"

Four children, three boys and a girl pose for the camera
Children posing for the camera

The paper "Contact, Conflict and Interethnic Attitudes among Children in North Macedonia" (Primenjena Psihologija), by Ana Tomovska Misoska, Laura Taylor, Jocelyn Dautel, and Risa Rylander analyses intergroup contact perceptions among children aged 6-11 in the post-conflict context of North Macedonia. Through a children-adapted survey, authors observed that both, the quality of contact and the number of friends belonging to the outgroup are associated to positive contact outcomes such as outgroup liking, willingness to play, and outgroup trust. This study has been carried out by the Helping Kids Lab team (

Link to the paper

Photo: Laura Taylor
Laura Taylor
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