Centre for Public Policy and Administration
The Centre for Public Policy and Administration (CPPA) at Queen's University Belfast bridges academia, public administration (including local government) and politics by fostering engagement and collaboration while respecting the distinct needs and expectations of each sector.
The Centre will make the process of engagement between academics and policymaking more systematic and open new avenues of research and engagement locally and internationally. In its practice-focused work, a demand led approach will be adopted to understand the major policy challenges faced by senior public servants and political leaders and thereafter align these challenges with national and international academic expertise to support evidence-based solutions. In turn, these policy challenges will form the basis for scholarly activity amongst the academic community and allow for inter-institutional and international collaborations.
This approach will ensure that policymakers are aware of the potential for academic expertise to address their significant policy challenges and know how to access the most appropriate expertise. From an academic perspective, it is important that there are structures in place to help mobilise knowledge and expertise to maximise impact locally, nationally and internationally.

The Centre for Public Policy and Administration is founded on four pillars. Working across each of these pillars, CPPA builds interdisciplinary partnerships locally, nationally and globally to foster our mission:
The Centre builds on QUB’s current teaching provision on public policy, and our flagship Msc in International Public Policy. Within CPPA, we seek to broaden the opportunities for PhD research in public policy at QUB, and facilitate the provision of the Continual Professional Development (CPD) programmes for public service practitioners.
Our work advances the University's contribution to the study of public policy as a cross-cutting discipline, wherein the Centre helps situate QUB as an authoritative voice for tackling pressing global public policy and governance challenges of the 21st century.
CPPA facilitates dialogue, collaboration and co-production between academics and policy practitioners. It promotes opportunities for scholars across QUB to engage with policy professionals and outlets. The Centre provides the means and networks to communicate oftentimes complex, yet important research findings to broader public policy audiences in an accessible and comprehensive manner.
The CPPA will maximize the societal and economic impact of publicly funded research by prioritizing knowledge transfer. It will bridge the gap between academics and policymakers, enhancing intelligence gathering processes to mutual benefit. Additionally, the Centre will facilitate regular exchanges between academic and policy communities at local, national, European, and international levels.
You can reach Centre director Muiris MacCarthaigh by emailing cppa@qub.ac.uk.