
International Public Policy Observatory
The Centre houses the QUB team for the International Public Policy Observatory , which mobilises and assesses evidence from across the globe to help inform local policy-makers about the best ways to tackle social problems and improve policy-making capacity.
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Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy
Viviane Gravey is co-I in the ESRC Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy, conducting work alongside colleagues in Queen’s (Melo Araujo) and Cardiff (Petetin, Wincott) on the influence of devolved administrations on UK trade policy, whose interests are heard in UK trade policy making, and whether and how policy coherence between trade policy and other policies (environment, agriculture, health etc.) is pursued.
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Irish State Administration Database
CPPA Director Prof MacCarthaigh is co-curator of the Irish State Administration Database, which captures the creation and life-cycle of all Irish public sector organisations since 1921.
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Brexit & Environment
Viviane Gravey is co-chair of Brexit & Environment, an ESRC funded network of academics investigating the impact of Brexit on environmental policy and governance. She leads B&E work on devolution, Northern Ireland and agriculture.
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InterCov Project
Comparative Study
Michele Crepaz is co-investigator in the InterCov Project, a comparative study of interest groups and lobbying in 10 European polities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Resilient Civil Society Project
Michele Crepaz is PI of ReCiv, a comparative project evaluating the resilience of civil society organisations in times of political crises. The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council New Investigator Grant Scheme.
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