About the Programme
The vision of CSIT’s Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) is to produce a cohort of 15 industry-conscious cyber security PhD graduates capable of strategically thinking about future cyber security challenges and leading innovation in tackling those challenges.
It is increasingly recognised that today’s knowledge-based economy puts far greater demands upon doctoral graduates than the skills and training typically provided by a traditional PhD. This is particularly true in advanced technology fields such as Cyber Security, where the leaders of tomorrow, whether they are future research leaders in academia, in industry or in government organisations, increasingly need to combine comprehensive technological strength and depth with other important skills and expertise.
Tomorrow’s cyber security leaders need to combine leadership, management, and enterprise skills with a deeper understanding of a rapidly changing technological, socio-economic and geopolitical landscape and the business opportunities this provides.
Our industry partners will provide financial, advisory and scientific support for the CSIT DTP. Industry engagement will include funded internships, co-supervision of PhD projects and guest lectures.
Objectives and Key Features
The CSIT DTP has 4 strategic objectives:
- to produce a cohort of industry-conscious thinkers and leaders who will influence the roadmaps of cyber security technologies and their applications;
- to produce world leading scholarly output and impact through supervision from the academic team at CSIT;
- to address challenges that are strongly relevant to industry and society through partnerships and close interaction between students, industry and government stakeholders;
- to conduct responsible research and effective innovation in the field by encouraging ethical and society-focused exploration of emerging cyber security technologies and challenges.