Implications of Research for Services
Exploring variations in ovarian cancer survival by age and stage (ICBP SurvMark-
Predictors of an early death in patients diagnosed with colon cancer
Prognosis following surgical resection versus local excision of stage
Progress in cancer survival, mortality, and incidence in seven highincome countr
Quality of life among symptomatic compared to PSAdetected prostate cancer surviv
Systematic evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcome protocol content
The psychological impact of being on a monitoring pathway for localised prostate
Time intervals and routes to diagnosis for lung cancer in 10 jusidictions
Cancer-related symptoms, mental well-being and psychological
Regional variations in quality of survival among men with
Implications of Research for Services_Decision regret in men living with and bey
Implications of Research for Services_Pain fatigue and depression symptom clust
The Good Friday Agreement and cancer research on the island of Ireland
Implications of Research for Services_Cancer Incidence Projections in Northern I
Implications of Research for Services_ Qualitative Exploration of Prostate Cance
Implications of Research for Services_Colon and rectal cancer survival in seven
Implications of Research for Services_Can different definitions of date of cance
Implications of Research for Services_International trends in oesophageal cancer
Implications of Research for Services_Esophageal Columnar Metaplasia in Childhoo
Implications of Research for Services_Cumulative financial stress as a potential
Implications of Research for Services_Strategies for living well with hormone re
Implications of Research for Services_Influence of deprivation and rurality on
Primary liver cancer in the UK (28 KB)