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Northern Ireland Cancer Registry

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Aims and objectives


The audit aims to document care of bladder cancer patients diagnosed in 2010 & 2011, establish baselines and determine whether they are in keeping with the guidelines outlined in European Association of Urology Guidelines. The audit will track the patient journey including referral, first consultant appointment, investigations, diagnosis, treatment, and after care. Detailed information will be collected on symptoms and comorbidities at the time of diagnosis, diagnostic testing and tumour staging, and types of treatment. The audit will also record timelines along the key stages of the patient journey in order to identify service improvements that could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment, and better patient survival.


  1. To determine measures to be recorded and develop an audit proforma in collaboration with members of the NICaN Urology Group. Completed on 5/11/2012.
  2. To pilot data collection and adapt proforma accordingly.
  3. To collect data from hospital and multidisciplinary team records, to enable process of care to be documented.
  4. To interpret this data in collaboration with clinicians.
  5. To produce a report providing a baseline for future comparison.
  6. To make recommendations for improving care where necessary.
  7. To disseminate the findings appropriately in a report and on the web.
  8. To feedback through NICaN Urology Group to affect service change.
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