Method for simulation of collisions in musical instruments presented at nonlinear control conference
Paper Title: An Explicit Scheme for Energy-Stable Simulation of Mass-Barrier Collisions with Contact Damping and Dry Friction

Maarten van Walstijn (MEDL, SARC, EPIC, EEECS) has presented work at the 8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, held in Besançon 10 - 13 Jun 2024, on the construction of explicit schemes for real-time simulation of intermittent contact with damping and tangential friction as appearing in musical instruments.
The final version of the accompanying paper, co-written with SARC PhD alumnus Vasileios Chatziioannou (University of Performing Arts Vienna) and Nikos Athanasopoulos (QUB, EEECS, EPIC) will appear soon at IFAC-PapersOnLine; a prepint is available on RG.
Collisions feature in the acoustics of many musical instruments, and as such need to be included in physical models that aim to capture the resulting dynamics. Previous studies have established various ways of constructing energy-stable schemes for numerical modelling of collisions, usually in implicit form. Recent methods use energy quadratisation in the derivation of explicit update forms, which are particularly useful in a real-time synthesis context. This approach is extended here by including contact damping and sliding friction in a 2D one-mass impact oscillator model, which serves as an initial testbed problem. The scheme's guaranteed passivity is formally shown, and brief simulation and convergence results are included.