SARC + Space21 Artist Workshop, 23rd & 24th September 2022
Exploring artistic methods for collaboration and exchange between SARC (Queen’s University Belfast) and Space21 (Kurdistan-Iraq)
This two-day workshop will bring together artists based on the island of Ireland to work together at SARC in Belfast and to collaborate remotely with artists working in ‘abandoned spaces’ in Slemani, Kurdistan-Iraq. The workshops will focus on sharing and developing strategies for experimental music and other artistic practices in site-specific locations, and will also explore creative methods for collaboration and online exchange.
The workshop is part of a wider ongoing collaboration between Sonorities Festival Belfast and Space21 (funded in part by the British Council NI), and participation may lead to additional collaborative opportunities in the future.
Expressions of interest should be sent to and should include the following information:
-reason for interest in the workshop
-short bio including relevant artistic background
-optional: one link to example of work online
The workshop is free of charge, but spaces are limited so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible. A small amount of £100 bursaries will be allocated to selected participants to help offset expenses incurred from participating in the workshop. We hope to maximise the diversity (in all senses of this word) of workshop participants, so expressions of interests are encouraged from artists of all backgrounds.