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International Connections


European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS)

We are institutional members of EFACIS and currently represented on its international board.

Through EFACIS we engage with Irish Studies research and teaching across the continent of Europe.

We hosted the 2023 EFACIS biennial conference at QUB.

American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS)

Irish Studies at Queen's plays an active part in ACIS events and encourages its associates to become members and present their work at the annual ACIS conferences.

ACIS website

Boston College, USA

We have long-standing collaborations with Irish Studies at Boston College including in joint events, research co-operation and staff and student mobility.

We have an annual academic, and occasional postgraduate, exchange programme with BC, involving Dr Rachael Young (BC) and Dr Robin Adams (QUB) in 2023-4.

Boston College is an North America Strategic Partner University of Queen's University Belfast.


University of Notre Dame, USA

We have a research collaboration with The Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies at Notre Dame, and jointly hosted a symposium on 'The Future of Irish Studies' with ND in Belfast in June 2024.

Notre Dame is an North America Strategic Partner University of Queen's University Belfast.

KU Leuven, Belgium

We are developing a research and teaching collaboration with the Leuven Centre for Irish Studies (LCIS), at KU Leuven, which also hosts EFACIS.

LCIS is based in the Irish College, Leuven, originally founded by the Irish Franciscans in 1607.

KU Leuven is a European University Partner for Queen's University Belfast.