School of
Architecture Archaeology-Palaeoecology Civil Engineering Geography Planning
Design-led urban food, water and energy management innovation
Kick-starting carbon descent in cities through direct design action
Exploring the potential of large-scale urban afforestation to assist tree migration
Analysing streets to fulfil their potential to be people-centred, accessible and inclusive public places
Identifying opportunities for adding resilience to the ‘musseques’ and the wider city environment in Luanda
Transformative, multidisciplinary approach to improving the sustainability of the poultry sector
Engaging new software technologies and processes to facilitate the implementation of BIM models
Enhancing graphical architectural representations using Virtual and Augmented Reality
Laser Scanning for the restoration of listed and historic buildings
Risk Assessment: Piloting the Climate Vulnerability Index for Cultural Heritage in Africa
Understanding the Landscape Context of Felsite Production in Neolitic Shetland
Using technology to protect their cultural sites against climate change
Tephrostratigraphy over continental China NIF
The relationships between historic sites and land-use on a series of islands along the Sea of Moyle
Late Quaternary evidence from Southeast Asia (SUNDASIA)
Providing an international standard for the worldwide comparison of chronologies
Emergence and development of nomadism in the Altai
Novel applications in the field of radiocarbon dating
People and Coast over the last 6000 years in the Limfjord, Denmark
Understanding abrupt climate change
Accelerating the commercialisation of TTT technology
Understanding the physical processes that govern saline intrusion movement in coastal aquifers
Advancing the floating solar industry internationally and evaluating its application to de-carbonising its energy requirements
Enhancing the structural and power performance of the power take-off for Deep Green tidal energy technology
Development of a new class of Wave Energy Converter
Cutting edge wave energy research since the 1970’s
Improving the understanding and design process for masonry support façade systems.
Development of sustainable, lower carbon, pre-cast concrete infrastructure
Developing a robust strategy to make waterglass from waste glasses
Low carbon footprint precast concrete products for an energy efficient built environment (LowCoPreCon)
REuse and REcycling of CDW materials and structures in energy efficient pREfabricated elements for building REfurbishment and construction (RE4)
Detecting bridge condition using new generation low-power sensors including computer vision, infrared and UAVs
Research to benefit the contaminated land sector
Reducing energy costs and environmental impact in the manufacture of pre-cast concrete products
Developing an innovative solution to use what is widely considered a waste material in the pre-cast concrete industry
Embedding an optimisation process to improve existing concrete mixes and identify novel mixes to reduce cost and carbon footprint, without compromising quality
Development of low energy, thermal and acoustic high performance flowable concrete for use with novel production systems and utilising innovative waste products
Development of highly durable, low impact, self-compacting marine concrete mix designs
Developing the impact resistance of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Development of a remote sensor network monitoring peatland hydrological processes
Researching peatland groundwater flow to understand causes of slope failure, using existing hydrogeological and geophysical techniques.
NILS is a wide-ranging database of people and their major life events, stretching back decades. It is proportionally the largest longitudinal study in the UK
"Surveying Empires" is a collaborative international research project exploring the landscape legacies of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India
This research examines possible links between soil elements, deprivation and chronic kidney disease (CKD) data from the UK Renal Registry
Bringing together interdisciplinary world-leading expertise to stimulate debate and advances in the field of compositional data analysis
This research examined explanations of evolutionary change and their relations to religious thought in the period 1870-1930
The role of Carbon Capture and Storage in the 2050 target of an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions
Investigating the sustainable disposal of non-biodegradable wind turbine blades
An innovative analysis of how people's lived experiences of socio-economic inequality are shaped by urban change in South Africa
Advancing knowledge and understanding of the relationships between test morphology and ecological processes
Impactful cross-disciplinary research into the use of torture as a political technology
Regenerating cities through the power of nature
Exploring the potential of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as an alternative site of community mobilisation and inclusive development
Contemporary life course related senses of belonging, mobility and rural community participation
A rare insight into how a broad section of stakeholders view the planning system. This project seeks to compare and contrast stakeholder opinion of the planning systems in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Wales
This research project unpacks, investigates and problematises the implementation and impact of the UK’s inaugural City of Culture in Derry/ Londonderry, 2013
The project examines the altered architecture of Kathmandu Durbar Square following the April 2015 earthquake. Kathmandu Durbar Square is one of the seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Training a new generation of researchers who can evaluate the complexity of social acceptance issues facing the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure
Supportive environments for Physical and social Activity, healthy ageing and CognitivE health
‘Spaces of HOPE' is exploring the history of community-led planning (CLP) in the UK by documenting the diverse ways in which people have come together to care for the future of their local environments