This project is funded under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020.
The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative
funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and
Environment. It is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, which has the statutory function of co-ordinating and promoting environmental research.
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Project Details
This project aims to build on existing data and findings to develop a protocol linking hydrological processes to blanket bog ecological health within three river subcatchments;
The Garron Plateau, Co. Antrim
The Ox Mountains Bog SAC, Co. Sligo
Cuilcagh-Anierin Uplands SAC, Co Cavan
Within these sites we are monitoring water quality in terms of Specific Electrical Conductivity, water colour, flows and stage in the river, water level in the peat, rainfall, barometric pressure in intact and to a lesser extent some of these in degraded areas.
Dr. Ray Flynn, Queen's University Belfast
Dr. Florence Renou-Wilson, UCD Dublin
Sorcha Cahill, Queen's University Belfast
Francis Mackin, Queen's University Belfast/RPS Group.
Claire McVeigh, Queen's University Belfast
Image Gallery
Installation of monitoring equipment and contrast in water quality at the Garron Plateau.
Installing water autosampler at The Ox Mountains Bog SAC, Co. Sligo.
Installing water autosampler at Cuilcagh-Anierin Uplands SAC, Co Cavan.
MSc summer students learning and helping the QUBBES team with routine measurements at the Ox Mts Bog SAC, Sligo.
MSc students helping us with fieldwork this summer - dilution gauging - measuring flow at Ox Mountains Bog SAC, Sligo. Helping to further understand the importance of these ecosystems.
In 2018 Francis Mackin and Sorcha Cahill presented findings from the QUBBES project at the Irish Peat Society Annual Meeting.
The Irish Peatland Society brought together organisations (including Government bodies, academic institutions, NGOs and forest, peat and energy companies) and individuals with an interest in peatlands and peat.