How to apply
Your Research Proposal
A research proposal for an MPhil or PhD forms an important part of your application and there are two possible routes to devising a suitable proposal. The first is to develop your research proposal in consultation with a potential supervisor based in the School before you apply; the second is to apply for an advertised staff-driven proposal.
Staff-driven projects are usually advertised from October onwards to commence the following October. Details of both funded and unfunded projects may be found by searching Queen's University's PhD Opportunities.
How to Find a PhD Supervisor
We suggest you contact the relevant academic before you apply, to introduce yourself and ask questions. Potential supervisors may be found on our School website or through the University's Find a PhD Supervisor database.
How to Apply
Once you have identified a potential supervisor and completed your research proposal, you should submit your application to the Queen’s University Postgraduate Applications Portal ensuring you upload all relevant transcripts and final degree certificates (for completed qualifications).
It is possible to apply for a place to study towards a PhD at any time. Part-time study is also possible for self-funded students.