QUB-Hosted Bryden Centre Holds Energy Transition Conference
The "Engineering the Energy Transition Conference", held at the Titanic Hotel, Belfast from the 26-28th February, brought together a host of academics, experts, industrialists, and students from across all areas of sustainability development.

The event was attended by 114 of these leading academics, industry professionals, and civll servants, and saw a diverse range of presentations, delivered by attendees from across Europe. Foci of the event included the diversifying nature of renewable energy technologies, in addition to the current and projected operating landscpe for this sector, allowing attendees to discuss and consider emergind opportunities to develop sustainable practices, both locally, and on the global stage.
The conference also showcased recent achievements in power generation, and the current challenges related to the moving of energy production for aspects such as heating and transport away from non-sustainable sources, and towards a sustainable, low-carbon model.
Head of the conference's organising committee, and Academic Director of the Bryden Centre, Prof. David Rooney, commented on the conference:
"The energy transition is highly multidisciplinary, and this conference has shown the breadth of expertise required in order to move us towards a zero-carbon energy system. Discussions around policy, technology, and social acceptance are all critical aspects in driving this agenda forward, and arena such as this conference allow these aspects to be drawn together in hugely valuable way."
The Bryden Centre, named after the late Professor Ian Bryden, who was a leading expert in marine renewable energy, is a €9.4 million cross-border, renewable energy research centre funded by the EU under the Interreg VA programme, which is led academically and operationally by Queen's University Belfast. The conference also provided an opportunity for work supported by this funding to be presented, and faciliated the development of further reseach collaboration and industrial partnership.
More information about the conference is available HERE, and information about The Bryden Centre is available at brydencentre.com.
Media inquiries to Sarah Beveridge at Queen’s University Communications Office - Telephone: +44 (0)28 9097 3087 Email: s.beveridge@qub.ac.uk