Research Centres

CASE is an industry-led sustainable energy research centre.
Through the Invest Northern Ireland Competence Centre programme CASE funds collaborative Research & Development in sustainable energy. CASE bridges the gap between industry research needs and academic research offerings.
CASE provides support for world-leading research in key areas of bio-energy, marine renewable energy, and energy systems - established in September 2013, CASE has access to £5m of research grant to fund collaborative R&D projects in partnership with academics at Queen’s University Belfast, University of Ulster and the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute. We can also signpost companies to other grant support through Invest NI, UK Government, the EU and Internationally.
The results of CASE R&D also provide a solid base for influencing local government policy in the sustainable energy sector and we proactively promote Northern Ireland’s sustainable energy innovation capability within government circles.

Carbon capture research lab at Queen’s University Belfast (CO2@QUB) aims to reduce CO2 emissions by promoting research in carbon capture with objectives of promoting the research of carbon capture, the collaboration between academics, industries and other stakeholders, accelerating the deployment of carbon capture technologies and highlighting carbon capture research activities and capabilities at Queen’s University Belfast
Learn more about C02@QUB HERE

The QUILL Research Centre (Queen’s University Ionic Liquid Laboratories) is the oldest and most established centre dedicated to studying ionic liquids. It was founded in 1999 by Professors Seddon and Swindall, based on the US NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centre model, in which pre-competitive research is supported by an Industrial Advisory Board.
QUILL currently associates 14 academics and their research groups, based in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, but also in the School of Mathematics and Physics and in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
QUILL's research is strongly rooted in ionic liquids, but extends beyond to other advanced liquid and amorphous materials, such as ionogels, deep eutectic solvents and zwitterionic salts.