The 2016 David Bates Lectures 24-26 May
We are delighted to announce the 2016 David Bates Lectures, which will be given by Prof Sandro Stringari (INO-CNR BEC Center & Universita’ di Trento) on 24-26 May 2016.
Professor Sandro Stringari is a world-leading figure in the fields of Bose-Einstein condensation, Fermi superfluidity, and quantum many-body physics. With Lev Pitaevskii, he is the author of one of the most popular monographs on BECs. He has been awarded a prestigious prize from the “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei”, has been the European Chair at College de France in Paris and he is currently coordinating a European program on quantum simulation and holding an ERC Advanced Grant.
He will give three lectures on the fascinating physics of Superfluidity in ulatrcold atomic gases at the following times:
Tuesday 24 May – 11:00–12:30, Emeleus Lecture Theatre, School of Mathematics and Physics.
Wednesday 25 May — 11:00–12:00, Emeleus Lecture Theatre, School of Mathematics and Physics.
Thursday 26 May — 11:00–12:30, Emeleus Lecture Theatre, School of Mathematics and Physics.
Everybody from QUB is welcome to attend and research students are particularly encouraged to participate to the lectures. Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be available before each lecture.