Two TESCAN LYRA3* Dual beam focused ion beam scanning electron microscopes
FIB 1:
- Electron beam accelerating voltage: 200 V – 30 kV
- Ion beam accelerating voltage: 0.5 – 30 kV
- In-situ micromanipulator.
- Secondary and backscattered electrons detectors.
- Ion beam lithography
- Micro patterning (milling/depositing)
- In-situ and ex-situ TEM sample preparation.
- Cross-sectional milling and imaging for metrology, failure analysis, etc.
FIB 2:
- Electron beam accelerating voltage: 200 V – 30 kV
- Ion beam accelerating voltage: 0.5 – 30 kV
- In-situ micromanipulator.
- Oxford X-Max50 for EDX analysis (50mm2 active area SDD)
- Oxford Nordlys EBSD detector: grain size & orientation, phase identification, etc.
- Secondary and backscattered electrons detectors.
- Morphology: nano particles, grain size, surface, grain size, film size, etc.
- Chemical analysis and elemental distribution: alloys, catalyst, ceramics, composites, etc.
- TEM sample preparation.
- Cross-sectional milling and imaging for metrology, failure analysis, etc.
*LYRA3 is a dual beam system that combines a high-resolution FE-SEM column with a versatile high-performance Ga ion source FIB
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