James Edward Robinson - Student Profile
James Edward Robinson
Current research project
The Origin and Evolution of Transneptunian Binaries
I run N-body simulations looking at the formation of binary planetesimals via gravitational collapse of a pebble cloud.
I then investigate the evolution of these binaries during planetary migration in the early Solar System.
Binary systems are a valuable tool for probing planetesimal formation and the dynamical history of the Solar System.
The models must explain the properties of the binaries, and how they have survived to the present day.
I went to school at Methodist College Belfast and then went on to Durham University to do a Master of Physics. During my undergraduate degree I did an additional year abroad at McMaster University, Canada.
Then I returned to Belfast to do a PhD at the Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB.
I am an enthusiastic outdoors person and I enjoy cycling, hiking and climbing. I also enjoy coffee and homebrewing.
Solar System Objects
Transneptunian Objects
Planetesimal Formation
Computational Astrophysics
Data Science