SWAN Self-Assessment Team

In 2015 the Nursing and Midwifery SAT was restructured into smaller Working Groups responsible for individual areas of the action plan. This was primarily to facilitate additional engagement with non-SAT staff, ensuring that a SWAN culture becomes further embedded within the School and to enable implementation of initiatives beyond the SAT. The three active Nursing and Midwifery SWAN SAT Working Groups are:
The Staff Development Committee
The Culture Working Group
Lyne Churchman, Martina Galeotti Andrew Harvey,
Patricia Kelly, Sophie Matthews, Matthew McAfee,
Dr Tracey McConnell, Hannah McConnell, Catherine Monaghan,
Shannon Porter, Gillian Shannon, Dr Patrick Stark
Conor Hamilton,
Dr Maria Healy (Swan Champion – Chair)
Debbie Duncan (Interim Swan Champion – Chair)
Dr Katherine Rogers (Swan Champion – Leave until May 2024)
The Equality and Diversity Working Group
Barry Quinn (Chair), Paul McAleer, Maggie Bennett
Maria Somerville, Rachel Small, Eileen Fagan
Maria Healy, Felicity Agwu Kalu, Deirdre O’Neill
Colin Hughes, Debbie Duncan, Nimmy John
Gillian Shannon, Catherine Monaghan, Gail Anderson
Mairead Corrigan, Bethany Connaughton