Research Impact

Our Research Impacts on how we promote health and well-being and deliver patient care throughout Northern Ireland and internationally

A new online resource to support conversations about future care in the context of COVID-19
‘Necessary Discussions’ is a new online resource for nursing home staff and family members of residents developed to raise awareness of advance care planning, and support shared decision making in the context of a COVID-19 outbreak in a nursing home.
Visit the resource here
Find a short blog article by Professor Brazil here
The resource contains two distinct areas: a training programme for staff, and an information section for family members. Both areas are open access and include practical information, videos from experts and additional resources. An evaluation of the resource involving staff and family members provided evidence of increased knowledge and preparedness for advance care planning discussions.
Development of the online resource was led by Professor Kevin Brazil, Queen’s University Belfast, in partnership with researchers from the International Observatory on End-of-Life Care at Lancaster University, Dementia UK and Marie Curie Hospice, Edinburgh.
The work was co-funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of the UK Research and Innovations rapid response to COVID-19, and the Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (HSC R&D Division) of the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland.

A new research project is being undertaken focusing on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ health concerns within pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes. The research project is a collaboration between Queen’s University and Trinity College Dublin and is being led by Professor Michael Brown and Dr Edward McCann.
LGBTQ+ people experience a range of physical and psychosocial issues and concerns, with important contributions required from nurses and midwives. Despite the health concerns, the inclusion in nursing and midwifery pre-registration programmes appears limited.
The research project will be undertaken across the UK and Ireland to scope and map LGBTQ+ health content within pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes to identify areas of education ‘best practice’ and developments needed in nursing and midwifery programmes to ensure students have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the health needs of LGBTQ+ people.
An international and national expert Project Advisory Group has been established involving experts in the field, including, Stonewall, LGBT Ireland, Trans Equality Network Ireland, The Council of Deans, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Midwives, students and academics from nursing and midwifery. An intended outcome of the research project by summer 2021 is the publication of LGBTQ+ Health Education Best Practice Guidelines.
For further information about the research project please contact Dr Freda McCormick, Research Officer at

A new research project is being undertaken focusing on an educational resource called the Family Carer Decision Support (FCDS) intervention, which has been developed to assist nursing home staff in supporting family carers when they need to make diffifult decisions about end-of-life care for their relative with advanced Dementia.

Research led by Professor Joanne Reid on cancer cachexia has informed evidence based guidelines, developed to translate current best evidence into recommendations for multi-disciplinary teams responsible for the identification and treatment of reversible elements of cachexia and improvement in quality of life for both patients who have cancer cachexia and their carers. Guidelines include;
1. UK Level - Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
Getting it right every time: Nutrition and Hydration Care at end of life (,focus%20on%20nutrition%20and%20hydration.). Designed for multi-disciplinary staff working in any healthcare setting or specialism.
2. European level - European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN). ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients ( These guidelines are reflective of the critical importance nutrition plays in the survival and quality of life of patients with cancer.
3. International level - British Columbia (B.C.) Centre for Palliative Care Inter-professional palliative symptom management guidelines. ( These guidelines are designed to be used when managing symptoms of anorexia / cachexia by inter-professional staff.
4. International level – American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) guideline for cachexia in advanced cancer. (DOI: 10.1200/JCO.20.00611 Journal of Clinical Oncology)
The purpose of this guideline is to provide evidence-based guidance on the optimal approach for the treatment of cachexia in patients with advanced cancer.

The Renal Arts Group (RAG) is a collaboration between patients, carers, clinicians, academics and artists to develop a programme of research with the ultimate aim of improving the physical and psychological quality of life of those living with kidney disease through the medium of art.
RAG recently held a successful event at the Sunflower public house, Belfast ‘The Art of Health and Wellbeing’ as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2019. The event aimed to explore the intersection of creativity, arts and health and showcased a variety of performances from patients and healthcare professionals, as well as an exhibition of art created by patients during haemodialysis. This artwork was generated via Claire Carswell’s PhD research study, supervised by Dr Helen Noble, Professor Joanne Reid and Mr Ian Walsh which is exploring the feasibility of implementing arts-based interventions in haemodialysis units.
The event was hosted by Dr Helen Noble, Senior Lecturer and Professor Peter Maxwell, Consultant Nephrologist who welcomed kidney transplant patients William Johnston and Shaun Greene to discuss the impact of the arts on their health and wellbeing during their renal healthcare journey. Claire Carswell, presented work from her study, and also performed a monologue from a play focussing on patient mental health. Guest speaker Deborah Duval, Managing Editor of Kidney Matters, Kidney Care UK explained how the charity supports renal arts in Northern Ireland and the event concluded with a lively blues set from RAGBONE, featuring Mr Ian Walsh, Consultant Surgeon and Senior Lecturer, Alistair MacKenzie, Social Worker at South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and Lyn McMullan, Audiovisual Producer. A truly multi-professional line-up!
The event was supported by the Northern Ireland Kidney Patients Association and Kidney Care UK.
You can read more about the benefits of creativity on health and wellbeing here:
Read more about Claire Carswell’s research protocol here:

Dr Tracey McConnell took up post in April 2019 as a Senior Research Fellow as a joint post between Marie Curie Hospice Belfast and The School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen's University Belfast.
This joint post has brought together Palliative Care clinicians and Academica passionate about improving care for those with any type of terminal illness and their families/carers.
Working in partnership has helped identify key research questions with meaningful implications for practice and health service delivery - namely how to address inequities in the high quality of palliative and end-of-life care received by those with cancer compared to those with symptomatic Heart Failure.
Marie Curie Hospice Belfast and the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen's University Belfast are planning an event to raise the profile of a palliative care approach to Heart Failure, with the aim of developing a partnership with Cardiology Clinicians to co-design an innovative research programme focused on the integration of palliative care and Heart Failure.

A team of researchers and clinicians at Queen's university and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust are the UK clinical partner in a multi-centre European study.
The 'Passion-HF' study aims to develop an e-health product named “Abby” that will encourage patients to take more responsibility for their personal wellbeing, including self-care of their heart failure and self-prescription of medication.
The project has already been highlighted in the Northern Ireland's achievement in the Transnational programmes booklet published by SEUPB (LINK HERE)

Dr Carmel Kelly together with her team (Dr Michelle Templeton and Professor Maria Lohan) has completed a research project which has led to:
- The establishment of the first nurse-led asymptomatic screening service for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) within prison healthcare across all of the prisons in Northern Ireland and,
- Dick Luvs Doot the health promotion video made with men in prison, for men in prison, which is available on YouTube
Find Short Impact Report here
Launch of Improving sexual health of men in NI prisons at Hydebank Wood College (March 2018)
Included from L-R Catherine Baxter, Jaqueline Magennis (Nurses at HBW), Dr Michael Mc Bride (Chief Medical Officer), Professor Maria Lohan (School of Nursing and Midwifery QUB), Dr Carmel Kelly (Clinical Nurse Lead for sexual health SET, QUB), Dr Michelle Templeton (Research Fellow QUB), Prof Donna Fitsimons, Rachel Gibbs
Read more via:

‘Cancer Caring Coping’ ( is a new online resource created by cancer caregivers for cancer caregivers. It is based on research by Dr Olinda Santin from Queen’s University Belfast, who found that cancer caregivers have poorer health compared to caregivers of other chronic conditions.
The project, led by Queen’s University, is a partnership between Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and The Northern Health and Social Care Trust, as well as involvement from the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland and Charis Cancer Care.
Dr Santin, who is a Lecturer in Supportive Cancer Care at Queen’s, said: “Cancer caregivers require specific support and information to prepare them to cope with their role. The aim of this new Cancer Caring Coping website is to give carers their own voice. The strongest stories of all use carers’ words and carers’ experiences, and that is what this website represents.
“Queen’s University recognises the unique role cancer caregivers provide and is dedicated to supporting cancer caregivers through evidence based approaches, making it truly effective in improving the lives of carers and those that they care for.”
Early evaluation of the website has identified that caregivers felt that the resource provided useful and relevant information, and reduced isolation and uncertainty in their caregiving role.

Dr Gillian Prue is a member of HPV Action, a collaborative partnership of 50 global organisations that are working together to reduce the health burden of HPV.
Gillian and her colleagues recently called for the HPV vaccine to be extended to all adolescent boys on the basis of their research evidence.
This research was cited as follows as part of the most recent parliamentary debate on the topic.
Jim Shannon (Strangford) (DUP) May 2nd 2018:
Is the Minister aware of the paper on this subject by Dr Gillian Prue of Queen’s University Belfast? Dr Prue’s six recommendations are very similar to what the hon. Member for North Thanet (Sir Roger Gale) and others have put forward today. They include: first, that both men and women should be vaccinated against HPV-related diseases; and secondly, and more importantly, that the significant human cost of HPV-related diseases should be the primary consideration for including boys in vaccination programmes. If the Minister has not been made aware of the paper, I am happy to furnish him with the copy. Its recommendations are integral to moving forward on the issue.

Professor Kevin Brazil, leading a research team from QUB, University of Ulster and Lancaster University, has developed an evidence based family carer decision support intervention to assist on care decisions for a family member living with dementia at the end of life
The booklet for patients & families can be accessed HERE
Evidence for this approach can be accessed HERE

Dr Helen Noble's research supports shared decision-making between patients & health professionals around patients' end of life care decisions.
Helen's research is developing and testing a new decision aid to help patients, along with doctors and nurses, to make the best decisions on whether or not to continue with kidney dialysis towards end of life.
Download Dr Noble's Research Article HERE
Read more here about Dr Nobles recent workshop HERE
Pictured Left: Professor Donna Fitzsimons, Head of School, opening a renal workshop held at Belfast City Hospital attended by healthcare staff, patients and carers

International research led by Prof Donna Fitzsimons and Dr Loreena Hill has impacted clinical practice by identifying that all too often information concerning Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator deactivation is discussed “too little, too late” with patients and family members.
Ultimately this lack of knowledge can have an adverse impact on choice and quality of life at the end-of-life.
Prof Fitzsimons & Dr Loreena Hill also sponsored a meeting of Northern Ireland Heart Failure and Palliative Care Professionals in May 2018. Prof Fitzsimons presented findings from Chest Heart and Stroke project 'Development of a supportive intervention to meet the needs of carers of people with advanced heart failure'.
Regional Heart Failure Nurses, Palliative care nurses, Consultants, & GPs contributed to a productive discussion. The consultation will lead to an update of the 2010 Northern Ireland supportive & palliative care guidelines, for use by primary and secondary multidisciplinary team members.
To read the research report, visit:
To see a video about the research, visit:

Dr Jenny McGaughey’s research provokes new thinking on National Institute of Clinical Excellence Guidelines (NICE) guidelines on “track and trigger” protocols relating to acutely ill patients as well as staff training requirements.

Prof Fiona Alderdice and international research team have developed ‘At home with your premature baby’ - an evidence informed, online resource, co-produced with parents of premature babies.
TinyLife helps lessen the huge needs of the parents of tiny babies at the start of their long lives.

Dr Carmel Kelly’s research leads to the launch of an online patient informed educational resource to help doctors and nurses prepare to care for women and men affected by HIV and who are pregnant or who want to have children.
The resource is used in all Trusts in in Northern Ireland and is accessed and used throughout the world.

Dr Claire Kerr and Dr Oliver Perra are directors of the Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register for Northern Ireland.
Founded in 1991, the NICPR is used for the monitoring and surveillance of cerebral palsy in the Northern Ireland population, and to support research into the condition. The register is a unique resource as it is the only active cerebral palsy register in the UK.
The NICPR has influenced service planning and policy in the UK and has been cited in recently published NICE guidelines. A copy of the NICE guidelines ‘Cerebral palsy in under 25s: assessment and management’ can be found by clicking here.
Clinicians working in all five Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland have used the NICPR for the improvement of clinical practice through audits on current assessment and treatment methods. Recent audits have included neuroimaging in children with cerebral palsy, medical management of spasticity and hip joint management of children with the condition. These audits have highlighted areas for service improvement, thus directly benefitting children with cerebral palsy and their families.
More recently the NICPR was selected as one of 10 test-bed projects in the UK to participate in a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) study on public involvement. The NICPR will work closely with NIHR and the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland to test the National Standards for Public Involvement in Research. As part of this research the NICPR will create a public involvement group for persons with cerebral palsy, their families, carers and friends.
The most recent Transition Newsletter highlights some implications from the Programme and can be found by clicking here.

Professor Maria Lohan and Dr Carmel Kelly and team’s research generates new relationship and sexuality educational programmes in schools and is pioneering relationship and sexual health in prisons.
A cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of If I were Jack in eight post-primary schools among 831 pupils in NI demonstrated that this RSE programme is acceptable to schools, pupils, teachers and parents (including in faith based schools), can be feasibly implemented and is cost-effective (under £14 per pupil).
Dr Michelle Templeton delivered If I were Jack with young men in Hydebank Wood College (HWC) (Young Offender’s Centre) together with Barnardo’s NI and used this opportunity to better assess the RSE needs of young offenders. The team is now developing a Future Relationships and Fatherhood Programme for incarcerated men.

Dr Breidge Boyle’s work with EUROCAT and EUROmediCAT has influenced the development of UK guidelines on the use of psychotropic drugs in women of childbearing age as a primary prevention measure for preventing congenital anomaly.

Maria Lohan is working as a consultant to the World Health Organization Human Reproduction Programme.
She and team (Dr Avni Amin, Mr Rahat Khoshla, Dr Esther Reid, Dr Fiona Lynn, Dr Eimear Ruane-McAteer & Dr Jennifer Hanratty) recently published a systematic review of reviews relating to involving men, alongside women, in sexual and reproductive health. This included an evidence and gap map of systematic reviews.
Maria and team (Dr Eimear Ruane-McAteer, Dr Kathryn Gillespie, Dr Avni Amin, Dr Áine Aventin, Dr Martin Robinson, Dr Jennifer Hanratty, and Dr Rajat Khoshla) are now undertaking a systematic review of intervention studies, in order to further guide the WHO agenda for research and programming with boys/men to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.

The aim of the Think Family NI initiative is to enhance greater partnership working between statutory agencies and organisations working with children and young people, and those working with adults to improve outcomes for family members with mental health issues, their parents and carers by establishing a ‘Think Child, Think Parent, Think Family’ approach to planning and delivery of services.
Dr Anne Grant, Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen’s University explained: “The knowledge generated from the research will contribute to the development of an integrated policy, practice and research strategy, including performance indicators to move systems change forward in Northern Ireland and internationally.

Cochrane Review Team led by Emma McCall and Professor Fiona Alderdice, in collaboration with the Design Team at NPEU, create a simple infographic to convey key findings quickly and clearly to those who care for preterm babies.
Available for download: ‘Interventions to prevent hypothermia at birth in preterm and or low birthweight infants.’
NIHR SIGNAL: Plastic wraps or bags keep preterm infants warm immediately after birth.
McCall EM, Alderdice F, Halliday HL, Vohra S, Johnston L. Interventions to prevent hypothermia at birth in preterm and/or low birth weight infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2018, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD004210. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004210.pub5.

Factors that contribute to a successful transition to adult services for young adults with life -limiting conditions were identified by young adults, parents and services providers.
Dr Helen Kerr’s study identified eight factors associated with a successful transition to adult services for young adults with life-limiting conditions.
Helen was awarded the International Journal of Palliative Nursing, Researcher of the Year award, and was also runner up in the Royal College of Nursing, Northern Ireland Nurse Researcher of the Year, for this research. Helen secured the national Florence Nightingale Travel Scholarship award in 2016 to continue developing this research.
Over 80 services users and service providers attended an all-Ireland ‘Transition Workshop’ to identify the key priorities of action in improving the transition to adult services.
Download the report on the Transition Workshop: from children’s to adult services for young adults with life-limiting conditions in Ireland.pdf
Download Dr Kerr’s published papers on this study;
Research findings paper:
Literature review of transition services for young adults with life-limiting conditions: