Recording Nursing Care through the PACE Framework
Project Title
Recording Nursing Care through the PACE Framework: Research Evaluation of an Innovative Approach to Person-centred Care Planning
Research Focus |
Enduring Ill Health and Documentation of Nursing Care
Funder & Dates |
HSC NI Research and Development Division Jan 2020- Jan 2022
Principal Investigator or Primary Supervisor (if PhD project)
Prof Kevin Gormley
Co-Investigators or additional supervisors
Dr Gary Mitchell
Research Fellow(s) or PhD Student
Name & Institution of Collaborators
Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Name of External Partner Organisations
Ulster University
Description of Project: Aim; Methods; Expected Outcomes |
The aim of this research project is to evaluate the impact of the implementation of an innovative approach to planning nursing care (referred to as the PACE Framework). The overarching research question is as follows: What impact does the implementation of an innovative approach to planning nursing care have on the development of person-centred practice? More specifically, the objectives are to: explore the impact of PACE Framework on patients’ and families’ experiences of care; explore the impact of PACE Framework on staff’s experiences of care; and identify the knowledge transfer that will support further development and ongoing implementation of this approach. It is anticipated that this research will contribute to the current evidence base in relation to person-centred care planning and the impact on experience of care for both patients and their families and staff. Furthermore, by the very nature of the proposed research the potential for impact is significant and will contribute to an existing body of work focused on implementing and evidencing person-centred practice.
Associated with the project. |
URLs to external pages, e.g., study webpage, reports, publications etc.
Any other relevant information